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Buying land takes a lot of research and time. I spent several years shopping for land before I bought my half acre of paradise. However, there are pros and cons to every lot, as I learned. While the price was right, my lot is across the road from one of the highest risk forest fire areas in my county.
I still decided to buy my lot, but I did my research and learned about how to do my best to try and prevent the burning of my beloved cabin in a forest fire. I am sharing my best tips and the decisions I made in this article with you.
Perhaps you or your area haven’t been impacted much by forest fires to date; that is likely to change in the future. A quick glance at the Center for Disaster Philanthropy’s website identifies numerous wildfires so far in 2025, impacting California (545), Texas (more than 50), Oklahoma (more than 20), and Florida (1 large one). Collectively, these fires covered thousands of acres.
The Washington Post predicts that, by 2052, 1 in 5 Americans will live in an area at risk for forest fires, with half of these being in the South. If you are interested in assessing your current and estimated future risk, you can put your zip code into the map HERE.
Where’s the best information on preventing home loss to forest fires? I haven’t found anything better than the FireWise program. Dr. Jack Cohen, a retired fire scientist with the USDA Forest Service, developed the idea of a “home ignition zone” based on cutting edge research back in the nineties. I’m going to share what I’ve learned about this worthwhile program, as well as some of the choices I’ve made (and am still making) to try and be as FireWise as I can.
Whether you have your own place today or may be SHTF bugging out on the run near a forest at some point in the future, these tips could save your structure and possibly your life. You can find more information here.
FireWise Immediate Zone
The immediate zone includes your structure and the five feet around it. Start with your home itself. As you look around the exterior of your home, keep in mind what the research says actually starts the house on fire: flying embers, floating on the wind from a wild fire as far as a mile away.
You want as little fuel as possible for these embers, should they land on or around your house. Are you planning to redo your roof? Select the most fire-resistant materials you can afford, like steel, for example. If you have a shingled roof, regularly inspect it to ensure that there are no missing or lifted shingles that would allow an ember to get going.
Consider every place where they could be dry vegetation and get rid of it: in your eaves, on your roof, under your deck. Remove all flammable materials in this five-foot zone: mulch, firewood piles, and furniture stored under your deck. Get more information on the FireWise website on how to cover exterior vents and areas to prevent embers getting inside.
For my own cabin, I chose an all-steel roof and siding. I decided against a wooden deck, though these are very popular in this area. My steps to the cabin are concrete. The cabin’s perimeter will have washed stone around the foundation for approximately three feet out. This will cover and protect the slab insulation from embers. These are unusual choices in my area today, and many have said they’re overkill. However, I’m basically planning for around 20 years out.
FireWise Intermediate Zone
This is the zone from 5 feet to 30 feet surrounding your structure. In this area, you still don’t want a lot of combustibles. You will want to ensure that there is no vegetation underneath or around large propane tanks. You can limit the “climbing” ability of fire by cutting off the lower branches of large trees to a height of 6 to 10 feet. Large trees should not be closer than 18 feet to each other in this zone, as you want to break up the fire fuel supply. You can also use non-combustible driveways, pathways, etc., to create fuel breaks for the fire.
In my own case, I moved my firewood pile downwind of the cabin and out of this zone. I feel much better about that now. Many folks in this area store their firewood in piles right beside their house. One woman I know loads her old summer kitchen full of firewood at the back of her home. She thought this was convenient, but I’m not sure she has considered the risk.
FireWise Extended Zone
The extended zone continues from 30 feet out to 100 or 200 feet. In this zone, according to the FireWise principles, you are still considering how you can limit combustibles on the ground, like dry grass and leaves. Remove what you can and keep grass cut low. Remove dead trees that would catch and burn quickly. Even pay attention to small evergreen trees between mature deciduous trees: they are fuel to bridge the fire and are best removed. In this zone, you are still trying to keep certain distances between tall trees to limit fire pathways.
In my own case, I have not done as well in this zone. I love the idea of keeping wild grasses and flowers for the pollinators. I have wood refuse and old skids that need to be removed. These are projects for this spring. I did have an arborist in this spring to remove some old dead trees, but there is still a line of mature trees on the property line with my nearest neighbour. I’m not sure I have the heart to space them any further than I have.
The FireWise site has a map where you can see communities participating in the FireWise program and even where active and recent forest fires are.
In addition, the site has some great resources here to get your started on your own FireWise journey. These include a downloadable toolkit, a link to a YouTube video “Your Home Can Survive a Wildfire” with Dr. Jack Cohen himself, and a series of Wildfire Research Fact Sheets on numerous aspects of home construction, such as vents, roofing materials, decks, etc. Find them all for free here.
FireWise: Using Research to Save Homes
I have been so impressed by this great program that I am basing my entire landscaping plan on it. What are your thoughts on the FireWise program? Do you follow the three-zone system in your own lot design? Do you have your own FireWise tip that you can share with us?
Let’s talk about it in the comments section.
About Rowan
Rowan O’Malley is a fourth-generation Irish American who loves all things green: plants (especially shamrocks), trees, herbs, and weeds! She challenges herself daily to live her best life and to be as fit, healthy, and prepared as possible.