Welcome new Master Gardener “friends” |

Posted by: Michele Nowak-Sharkey

Let's welcome the newest Master Gardeners to Mariposa and Madera Counties. The class of 2024 graduated on May 11, 2024, after 17 weeks of intensive training, both online and in-person. The training class included students from both Mariposa and Madera Counties. The graduates in the back row will volunteer in Mariposa County. The group kneeling in the front row will volunteer in Madera County.

Back row: Mary Winterstrom, Lisa Morgan, Hannah Gunn,
Matthew Estes and son, Sarah Constable and Alfred Goedeke
Kneeling: Krystel Hayes, Taryn Wright, Jannah Pero, Lisa High

What is a program?

The UC Master Gardener Program has been in existence since 1980. The first training class was held in Mariposa County in 2005. UC Master Gardeners are extensively trained volunteer gardeners who provide research-based information on sustainable urban gardening practices in their communities. Topics taught during training include: Introduction to horticulture, soil and plant nutrition, water and fertilizer management, pest identification and control, home orchard and landscape tree care, vegetable gardening, plant diseases and diagnosis, composting, weed identification and control, oak tree care, and native plants.

Find Them

UC Master Gardeners can be found at various events throughout the county, including the Mariposa Farmers Market, the Butterfly Festival, the annual Chi-Tock-Kote-U-Pu- (Pow Wow) and the Mariposa County Fair. UC Master Gardeners also tend Creekside Garden on Stromming Road and answer gardening questions on the MG Helpline.

Additionally, UC Master Gardeners collaborates with local organizations like Happy Goat Farm to implement school programs that teach the principles of gardening and soil health to younger generations. Tune in to your local KRYZ radio to hear our show, “Over the Garden Fence.” Don't forget to mark your calendar for our annual plant sale, held the last Saturday in April each year.

the goal

The goal of UC Master Gardeners is to promote healthier plants, a healthier environment, healthier gardens and gardeners, and a healthier community. We are members of the community just like you, and we want to support your gardening efforts. If you see us, say hello (we're wearing our Master Gardener badges), and don't forget to extend a heartfelt welcome to the Master Gardeners class of 2024!

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