Succulent swap and plant sale at Sonoma County gardening event

Succulent exchange

Cut some of your best succulent cuttings and bring them to the Rincon Valley Library on June 8 for a swap of new ideas. The library and Sonoma County Master Gardeners are teaming up to host the swap, where you can share cuttings from your own garden or take home cuttings from other gardeners. The Master Gardeners will kick off the event with a short presentation on growing succulents and creating a container succulent garden. The free outdoor swap is from 10 a.m. to noon. 6953 Montecito Blvd., Santa Rosa. For more information, visit


Growing Plants for Health and Healing

Valley of the Moon Garden will host a talk on June 6th about what plants to grow in your garden and how to use them to stay healthy.

The presentation by Iris Walter, owner of Blooming Health with Iris, will highlight activities that can make a big difference in your health through your garden, preventing disease and supporting healthy aging.

Raised in Sonoma, Walter has a bachelor's degree in health science and has traveled extensively to learn about different cultures, foods, herbs and healing practices. She has lived in Spain, Costa Rica and Hawaii, and has explored Europe and Southeast Asia in her studies and travels. She is also a certified nutritionist and restorative health therapist, with in-depth training in gastrointestinal health and hormonal health. Since returning to Sonoma, she volunteers at the Medicinal Plant Garden at Sonoma Garden Park and serves as a one-on-one health consultant.

The meeting will be held in Burlingame Hall at First Congregation Church, 252 W. Spain St. in Sonoma. Meeting time is 6:30 p.m., and presentations begin at 7 p.m. Nonmembers may attend the meeting for a $5 donation that can be applied toward the $25 annual membership fee. Refreshments and a plant raffle will follow the meeting.


Pop-up Succulent Sale

The pop-up sale on Saturday, June 1, will feature a variety of drought-tolerant succulents. The sale is hosted by Sonoma County Master Gardeners, who propagated the plants. Succulents will be sold in 4-inch and 1-gallon pots, with prices starting at $5. There will also be some container arrangements, flower pots and a kid-friendly mud pie kitchen made from salvaged materials. Cash only. The sale will be at 402 Tucker St. in Healdsburg from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. For more information, contact

Santa Rosa

Native plants featured at Willowside School's plant nursery

The Laguna Foundation's California Native Plant Society Nursery will donate some of its unsold inventory to the Willowside School's Student Support Nursery, which will be distributed to gardening enthusiasts on June 1.

The nursery was sent 15 boxes of 4-inch annuals and perennials, including baby blue eyes, birds-eye gyrias, winecup chrysalis, spider web thistles and coastal bush lupine. If the annuals do well in their locations, they will reseed.

The nursery is now also overflowing with Salvia “Rhythm and Blues”, Mexican and pineapple sage, Hot Lips Salvia, yarrow in a variety of colours (red, lavender, pink and white), lots of rock roses (white, pale pink and dark pink), narrow leaf milkweed for the monarch butterflies, grey artemisia Powis Castle and orange lion's tail shrubs native to South Africa.

Other plants for sale include German, Siberian and Louisiana irises, blue fescue, New Zealand sedge bluezinger and native species such as the dark green native fescue “Tomales,” among many other grasses.

The sale will take place from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the school, located at the corner of Hall Road and Willowside Road in west Santa Rosa.

Rohnert Park

Disposing of household waste safely

Don't throw hazardous waste in the trash. Bring it to our collection site in Rohnert Park on June 4, where it will be safely disposed of. Drop-off is free, but participants are limited to 80 and reservations must be made at least 24 hours in advance. Drop-off hours are 4-8 p.m. and locations will be released after registration. To schedule an appointment, schedules for household waste collection at other locations in Sonoma County and a list of accepted items, visit Or email or call 707-795-2025, option 3.

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