A paddleboard enterprise will stay primarily based at a metropolis pub which has not too long ago been taken over by new landlords.
The proprietor of Norwich Paddleboard Rent, Adam Tiffany, has confirmed that his agency’s home at the Gibraltar Gardens shouldn’t be in danger, despite the recent takeover.
In truth, Mr Tiffany believes that below this new possession, each the pub, positioned in Heigham Road, and his paddleboard agency are set to thrive in 2023.
Norwich Paddleboard Rent will stay at its base on the Gibraltar Gardens (Picture: Adam Tiffany)
He mentioned: “After chatting with the owner, he has a lot of very huge and thrilling plans which I believe are going to rework the placement – with one of the best beer backyard in Norwich.
“It has additionally been actually reassuring for us.
“Norwich Paddleboard Rent is just getting greater and higher and we’re endeavouring to be the home of paddleboarding in Norfolk.”
Norwich Paddleboard Rent will stay at its base on the Gibraltar Gardens (Picture: Adam Tiffany)
This 12 months may also see upgrades to all the paddleboarding gear, the introduction of touring boards for superior customers, and extra large six-person boards for stag and hen events who need to get out on the water.