'Money-saving' gardening tips to keep caterpillars and bugs from eating your plants

Gardening can be therapeutic, but it can also be pretty frustrating when pesky bugs attack your gorgeous plants. But now there are some easy hacks to keep them away.

With summer in full swing, now is the best time for gardening. (Getty Images/iStockphoto)


Christine Younan00:00, July 15, 2024

Summer is finally here, which means gardening is now a popular hobby.

Spending time outdoors with beautiful plants and a freshly mowed lawn is refreshing, but it can be pretty frustrating when pesky bugs start to infest your flowers. Luckily, a TikTok user has shared the ultimate trick for keeping bugs off your plants — and it's super cheap.

User @lottiedalziel, who boasts 64.9k followers on the platform, revealed a natural way to get rid of caterpillars and bugs using just one clove of garlic. “I love basil, and some creatures love it too,” she said in the video.

“So to get rid of them without using toxic sprays or chemicals, take a clove of garlic and plant it next to it, which will repel pests.” She argued that as garlic grows, it naturally repels bugs and pests. And luckily, garlic cloves aren't that expensive, as they're something you probably have in your cupboard.

Typically, you can buy a single garlic clove in Waitrose for 60p, but frequent Sainsbury's customers can get it for around 24p. Either way, the gardening hack only costs a few cents. Since the video was shared, the post has received over 1,500 likes and dozens of shares.

“Ooooh,” one gardening expert wrote, while another follower suggested: “If you cut butterfly shapes out of white cardboard or paper and stick them on a skewer, they'll lay eggs in the basil and make it inedible,” to which the original poster replied: “I'll try that!”

Keeping those pesky wasps at bay this summer can be achieved with ingredients you probably already have in your kitchen cupboard, and recently a food expert shared four surprising items that could help, including mint leaves and black pepper.


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