Master Gardener and Radio Mainstay Celebrates 30th Anniversary | Local News

John Bodensteiner sits down at the microphone to chat with co-host Christy Herr Bartos and producer Landon on the radio station. Despite technical issues and a delayed start to the show, John's enthusiasm for gardening remains undiminished. They discuss cicadas, the recent rose program, and the latest updates on the community garden.

John has been cultivating both gardens and a community of gardening enthusiasts for 30 years, and as a founding member of the Vermilion County Master Gardeners, his journey reflects his passion for plants and people.

John's love of gardening began on his family's farm in North Dakota. Growing up in a family that loved working the land, he has fond memories of helping his grandfather and parents with the gardening. One of his earliest memories is of his grandfather picking dandelion flowers to make dandelion wine. Dandelions remain his favorite plant to this day.

Inspired by a friend's Master Gardener class, John helped start the Vermilion County Master Gardeners in 1994. “I talked to Judy Siddens at the Extension office and she said we could hold a class if we could get eight people together. We did get eight people and four finished,” John recalls.

“John is a senior,” says Master Gardener coordinator Jenny Hanrahan, “and he started recruiting friends and people who could do this work. He's always available to help out when needed. He's incredibly generous and willing to do anything.”

Shortly after attending his first class, John has been a regular on the Master Gardeners radio show. Now in its 30th year, the show continues to evolve, covering a variety of gardening topics, hosting special guests, and engaging with the community.

“One of the first things that strikes you about John is his vast knowledge,” Hanrahan says. “It's evidenced when people say, 'John, have you heard that?' He's made it his life's work.”

“I enjoy interacting with people – gardeners are fun people who love to share recipes, plants and ideas,” says John. His enthusiasm is evident in the many talks and seminars he gives, including speaking at Garden Days and hosting Garden Walks in his home. His personal library currently contains over 600 books on gardening, reflecting his enthusiasm for learning.

“How do you thank the person who is involved in this program,” Hanrahan asks. “Without him, this program wouldn't exist. His generosity, his kindness. How do you thank someone who has given so much?”

John encourages anyone interested in gardening to participate in the Master Gardener program. “You don’t just learn from books; you learn so much more by talking to people,” he advises. John’s journey exemplifies the joy of lifelong learning and sharing your passion.

Now celebrating his 30th year as a Master Gardener, John Bodensteiner's story is one of dedication, community spirit and an abiding love for the earth. His contributions have enriched gardens and sowed seeds of knowledge and inspiration for countless people.

In the final segment of his radio show, John announced that he would be hosting a plant sale at his home this weekend. Although the day started off unusually, John ended the show with the classic line from The Secret Garden: “The whole world is a garden if you look at it the right way.”

For more information about the Vermilion County Master Gardeners, visit, contact Jenney Hanrahan at or visit our offices at 3164 N. Vermilion in Danville. If you would like to make an accommodation to participate, please contact our office at 217-442-8615.

This story was written by Marketing and Communications Coordinator Jake Keister (

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