“Make sure you read what you're getting.”

We've all had regretful purchases and genuinely wished we hadn't made a purchase, and in the world of gardening, sometimes regret is realised when it's too late.

One gardener shared his regretful buying experience on r/gardening in the hopes of preventing anyone else from making the same mistake.

Photo credit: Reddit

The photo shows a bag of seed-seeding mulch, the problem is that the buyer thought they were buying regular straw mulch.

It was only when a lot of grass began to grow in the flower beds in their garden that they realized their mistaken purchase. It wasn't a bad lot after all, but it was a mistake that came too late to correct without breaking a sweat.

“Please read before you buy!” they warned.

Gardening is a great way to save money, reduce stress, and stay healthy. Though it does require a bit of a learning curve, it's a great hobby that can bring neighbors and communities together.

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Especially with the growing popularity of online shopping, it's important to know exactly what you're buying before you buy. Now, more than ever, brands are using misleading jargon to promote their products and sales despite false advertising.

Especially in gardening, transparency about what you're putting in your soil is essential. One wrong step can cost you countless hours of weeding, and let's be honest, no one wants to waste their time that way.

Speaking of time, traditional lawn care can be a part-time job with no remuneration. Lawns are the most irrigated “crop” in America, but that's just for show: The Environmental Protection Agency reports that Americans use more water outdoors than they do for showers and laundry combined.

Renaturalizing parts of your lawn with native plants, clover, buffalo grass and wildflowers will help you conserve water and lower your water bill, while creating healthy habitat for pollinators, the unsung heroes of our food supply.

Using natural pest control methods like ladybugs, trap crops and mosquito repellent plants can help keep toxic chemicals out of your garden, helping to keep our waterways and oceans cleaner and greener.

The gardener's mistake was echoed by another Reddit user who had experienced the same fiasco.

“I did the same thing,” one comment read. “Now it's all cleared up!”

“Always read the label,” the poster exclaimed.

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