I'm a gardening pro and I'm convinced I have the secret 79p trick to getting rid of those pesky slugs in the garden.

A gardening pro has revealed a 46p tip to help get rid of pesky slugs in the garden – and it absolutely works.

With the warmer weather gradually approaching the UK, Brits may be noticing increased slug activity in their gardens.

Now that the weather is warming up, you may notice an increase in slugs in your garden. Photo: Getty

While most are harmless, these tiny creatures can damage plants and even eat vegetable plants.

But experts from eco-cleaning brand Seep have revealed a super-simple trick to get rid of slugs that won't cost you a penny.

Gardening pro Laura Harnett explained that recycled household items are a great deterrent to pests.

She also revealed that her technique is chemical-free, eliminating the need to trawl through store shelves to find the right products for your garden.

Laura explained that using an old copper scrubbing pad is the best way to keep slugs away.

She said: “Copper can help protect your plants from slugs and snails without the need for harmful garden chemicals.”

“They hate metal because they get a small, harmless electric shock when they touch it.

“Instead of buying expensive copper tape for your pots and plants, you can achieve the same effect by simply unraveling a useless copper pot scrubber.”

My deadheading tips are the best way to ensure your garden blooms profusely this summer, plus some pest control tips.

Copper scrubbers can be purchased from online retailers such as Amazon for just 79p.

Another horticulturally savvy homeowner has previously revealed the tricks she relies on to keep her garden's ecosystem thriving.

They took to Reddit's gardening forums to offer advice on how to grow a thriving vegetable patch.

“The more variety of crops you have,” writes the gardening enthusiast, “the less likely your crops will be destroyed by hordes of pests.”

“Also, don't try to completely eradicate pests, because that will never happen. You need to know how to avoid them and control their populations.”

He goes on to explain that certain pests, like caterpillars and stink bugs, need to be removed by hand, while aphids and leafhoppers can be “blowed away with a hose.”

They continued: “Planting trap plants helps to increase insect biodiversity and attract pollinators.”

“Trap plants are basically plant species that act as a victim for pest insects.

Gardening jobs in June

The Sun's gardening editor, Veronica Lorraine, shares her top tasks to get up to this month.

Plant long-stemmed perennials

Given the recent dramatic weather, it's definitely time to stake out any long-stemmed perennials (those that grow every year). Heavy rains and rapid growth can cause them to topple over and die.

Slug and snail removal

Hopefully, as the plants get bigger in the summer, the damage will decrease. The best thing to do is still to grab a headlamp and go outside at night to spot the pests.

Picking Elderflowers

You can use them to make your own cordials, add them to cakes or champagne, or even dab and fry them.

Remove weeds

This is when the weeds in your garden really start to grow. Use a hoe to remove the weeds, or the old fashioned “knees and hand fork” method. Avoid chemicals. Remember, weeds are just plants growing in the wrong place.

Up the grass cutting

From now on, you will need to mow your lawn every week. If you have time, remove the weeds beforehand, as mowing will cause the leaves to fall off and make it harder to see.

Check the tomatoes

Tomato seedlings require regular watering, fertilization, and careful removal of side shoots.

Chelsea Chop

There's still time for the Chelsea chop: Perennials such as rudbeckia, asters, penstemons and sedums will become bushier and bloom for a longer period if cut back by about a third.

Organizing Tulips

If it's a hassle but you have the space, dig up the tulip bulbs and replant them to provide colour next spring.

Picking rose petals

Cut back to the first set of healthy leaves, and you'll see more flowers blooming for a longer period.

Enjoy the space

Take some time to sit and enjoy your garden or outdoor space – it's so good for your mental health – even a few minutes a day can make a big difference.

“Nasturtiums are great annual trap plants and can even be eaten by insects if they don’t get there first.

“Marigolds, amaranth, sunflowers and okra are also plants I often trap in this area because the native pests prefer these plants over our crops.”

According to Gardeners' World, nasturtiums thrive in well-drained soil and need at least half a day of sun to thrive.

Other experts have previously shared tips on how to prevent giant spiders from invading your home.

A cheap solution is to use natural repellents such as peppermint oil, which has a smell that spiders “hate.”

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