“I do this with all my cut flowers.”

If you want more flowers in your garden and more blooms to bloom, then this picking tip is for you. Like another flower lover who has started picking flowers, you might be thinking, “I do this with all my cut flowers.”


If you grow flowers and want to see more blooms, or if you want to plant more but don't want to buy seedlings or seeds, this trick from Instagrammer Kelly Welk (@kellywelk) might be just what you need.

First, take a close look at the plant you want to see more flowers. Pinch or use garden shears to cut the plant just above the second leaf. This will force the plant to produce two flowers instead of one.

Next, prepare your seed-starting soil in a small gardening tray by poking small holes where you want your new blooms to appear.

Hold each cutting and remove excess leaves, leaving one or two large leaves. This will encourage the plants to grow and thrive. Then dip them in rooting hormone and plant them in a gardening tray. Once rooted, move them into the garden. You can repeat this entire process with these plants to produce even more blooms.

How it helps

You can spend as much or as little on the flowers and seeds you plant. If you use pots, they usually cost between $10 and $30 per pot. You can imagine how much an entire flower bed can cost. With Kelly's techniques, you can get more flowers for less money and continue to grow your own plants instead of buying more. You'll save money on gas trips to the store and you'll pollute less.

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Plus, gardening is good for your health: It helps you get up and move, it lowers stress levels, and it lets you be in nature. If you join a community garden, it adds a social aspect, too. Even if you don't grow food, these benefits are worth the investment, and now you can save even more if you choose to do so.

What people are saying

Flower gardeners loved the idea.

“I planted seeds too and they're growing everywhere,” one person said. Another simply said, “Unbelievable!”

After all, who doesn't want more flowers? Kelly says, “I got four times as many flowers from one seed…all of this equates to more joy!”

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