How to Use Banana Peels to Promote Healthy Root Growth and Flowering in Your Garden

Bananas are a popular kitchen staple – eaten raw, in fruit salads, smoothies and even in baked goods – but one gardening expert says they're also great for promoting plant growth.

Experts spoke exclusively to GB News about how you can use banana peels to grow beautiful plants in your garden.

Sam Marlow from Garden Buildings Direct said: “We all know that kitchen waste is great for composting, but did you know there are other uses for kitchen waste in the garden?

“Instead of throwing away banana peels, chop them up and bury them in the soil around your plants.

“Banana peels are rich in potassium, which promotes healthy root growth and flowering.”

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“Banana peels are rich in potassium, which promotes healthy root growth and flowering.”

The gardening expert also showed how Brits use beer to get rid of slugs in their garden.

Garden organic experts say: “Slugs are undoubtedly the most hated pest in horticulture, causing widespread damage and sometimes complete crop failure.”

Experiments have shown that “Beer traps are effective over short distances, provided their contents are regularly replaced.”

“The most important message is that slugs are attracted to beer, but they don't care about the type of beer, such as lager or bitter,” the experts said.

Speaking of the effectiveness of banana peels in promoting plant growth, gardening enthusiast Jeff of The Ripe Tomato Farms says banana peels can benefit your garden in a number of ways.

The high amount of potassium found in banana peels can sustain plant growth, strengthen root structure, increase drought tolerance, improve pest resistance, and aid in photosynthesis.

Banana peels can be shredded and added to compost or placed at the bottom of pots or containers when planting new plants.

It can also be crushed into a powder using a mortar and pestle and used as a powdered fertilizer.

To make liquid fertilizer, soak banana peels in room temperature water for two weeks. Strain the peels and give the water to your plants.

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