How to keep gardening

Nicole Stoner Gardening Event

It's always hard for gardeners to accept that fall is on its way. You don't want the growing season to end. Don't worry, there are ways to continue gardening through October and November so you still have plenty of time to garden.

Autumn Garden

Fall vegetable gardens can be planted immediately. Most fall vegetables should be planted within the first week or two of August to ensure a fall harvest before frost kills the plants. Plants planted in the early spring to harvest before it gets too hot can usually be planted in the fall. For a fall harvest, beets should be planted August 1-10, carrots August 1-15, Chinese cabbage August 1-20, lettuce August 1-5, mustard August 1-25, radishes August 1-20, snap peas August 1-5, spinach August 20-September 15, Swiss chard August 1-20, and turnips August 1-15. Broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts can also be planted in the fall, but should be planted from seedlings at this time of the season. These crops take 65 to 85 days to mature and grow better when planted as seedlings.

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For most of southeastern Nebraska, the average first frost date is October 2 or 3, with the first hard freeze occurring in mid-October, according to data from the National Weather Service. You can use the first frost date to determine when to plant your fall crops. Use the first frost date as a starting point and count backwards from the number of days to harvest listed on the seed packet, adding an extra 10 days for fall, since cooler temperatures will slow plant growth.

At that time of year, if the crop is not yet fully mature and frost is expected, you can cover the crop with a floating row cover or sheet to protect it from damage caused by low temperatures. This cover can be removed as soon as the grass frost melts and then reinstalled for just a few nights if the frost is light, extending the harvest season. This is especially useful during occasional early frosts.

Cold Frame

Cold frames can also be used to extend the growing season even further.

A cold frame is a miniature greenhouse or box that you set up over your garden. Cold frames have a light-permeable lid, such as glass or plastic film, that helps trap heat in for the plants growing inside. The air and soil temperature around the plants can be up to 10 degrees warmer than the surrounding environment. This allows fall garden crops to grow much longer into the fall than crops planted in the ground without cover.

If you expect sporadic frosts followed by periods of warmth enough for your plants to survive, you can also add a sheet or other covering over your plants at night, which can also extend the growing season.

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