How to grow and care for knockout roses

If you've always wanted to grow roses but have heard they are difficult to grow, why not try growing Knockout Roses?

Knock Out Roses are cultivars bred for easy care. They don't require the same maintenance as many other rose varieties, including hybrid tea roses. They have a long flowering period and are rarely affected by diseases or pests.

Launched in 2000, Knock Out Roses come in a variety of sizes, ranging from 18 inches to 4 feet tall. They currently come in 13 colors, with new colors being introduced every year.

The best thing about Knock Out is that it's easy to care for, whether you're a beginner or an experienced gardener: “Once established, this rose requires very little care other than occasional pruning to maintain its shape,” says Heidi Mortensen, rose portfolio manager at Star Roses & Plants.

They have also been tested in a variety of climates across the country and are therefore more disease resistant than many roses.

“We test grow roses in 14 gardens around the country for a minimum of seven years,” Mortensen says. “To be selected for breeding, they must demonstrate high resistance to common diseases such as Western rust and Oriental black spot.”

PinterestKnockout Rose

Easy Beezy Knockout Rose

How to Plant and Care for Knockout Roses

Like all roses, Knock Outs need full sun, which means at least six hours of direct sunlight per day. They will not bloom in the shade.

Knockouts can adapt to a range of pH levels, from neutral to acidic (though the ideal pH is 5.5 to 6.5), and they'll adapt to most soil types, but they prefer sandy, loamy, well-drained soils, says Mortensen. (You can get a soil test through your local state cooperative that includes your soil's pH level.)

How to grow Knockout RosesPinterestKnockout Rose

Knockout Rose

When you're ready to plant, dig a hole two to three times wider than the container and remove the plant from its container. Gently rub the root ball with gloved hands to loosen any roots that have spun around in the pot. Then place the plant in the hole, flush with the container. Backfill the hole, tamp down, and water thoroughly.

Knock Out is a shrub, so it grows relatively quickly. But like most perennials and shrubs, this rose “sleep, creep, leap,” meaning it grows a little slower the first season it's established, then grows a little more vigorously the second year, and finally grows in the ground the third year. “Once it establishes roots, that's when you really see the power of the flower,” says Mortensen.

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During your roses' first year, water them thoroughly about once a week, but don't just give them a light sprinkling. To water by hand, hold the hose over the soil at the base of the shrub and count to five — 1,001, 1,002 — then repeat the motion five times, says Mortensen. This allows the water to seep into the soil, hydrating it and working its way down to the roots, helping to create a stronger root system and more blooms.

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If possible, creating small “water wells” using piles of mulch, rocks and soil near the base of the plants can help, Mortensen says, as they create a contained area where water can stop before it can run off into the ground.

How to grow Knockout RosesPinterestKnockout Rose

Orange Glow Knockout Rose

How to Fertilize Knockout Roses

All roses have heavy fertilizer needs and should be fertilized regularly. The first year, there's no need to fertilize, as the container will contain that season's fertilizer. But in subsequent years, apply rose fertilizer as soon as the plant begins to show 3 to 6 inches of new growth, and then every 4 to 6 weeks thereafter, Mortensen says.

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Stop fertilizing one to two months before the first frost expected in your area. “You want to keep the plant dormant and not encourage new growth, because you need to focus on nourishing the roots to get through the winter,” Mortensen says.

How to grow Knockout RosesPinterestKnockout Rose

Pruning Knockout Roses

How to prune knockout roses

Pruning is surprisingly easy: In late winter or early spring, just when new growth is beginning to emerge, use hand pruning shears or hedge trimmers to make a straight cut to the shrub. It doesn't need to be too fancy or complicated: “Just make a straight cut and prune it to about a third of its current size,” says Mortensen.

“Forgetting to prune won't harm your plant, but pruning will make it look better and encourage more flowers,” says Mortensen. You can always cut off dead or damaged branches. In warm climates, pruning also keeps branches neat and compact.

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Knock Out was also selected for breeding because it's “self-cleaning,” meaning the petals “crumble” and fall off naturally, but “deadheading” it helps promote larger, fuller blooms, Mortensen said. If you enjoy gardening, this is the perfect excuse to take a leisurely walk around and pick off the dead flowers.

How to grow Knockout RosesPinterestKnockout Rose

Petit Knockout Rose

Can I plant Knock Out Roses in containers?

Absolutely! Petite Knock Out has been bred specifically to grow well in containers. Choose a pot that's about 24 inches in diameter and fill it with potting soil. Be sure there are drainage holes, as roses can't stand boggy soil at all, says Mortensen.

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Moisture evaporates more quickly, so you'll need to check and water your containers more frequently, but be sure to poke the soil with your finger before watering. Roses like to dry out a bit between waterings. When the soil feels hot and dry, it's time to water. If it feels moist, check again in a day or so, says Mortensen.

How to grow Knockout RosesPinterestSil Arena

Coral Knockout Rose

How long do knockout roses bloom?

“Knock Out Roses are repeat-flowering roses, meaning they bloom all the way from spring through fall,” says Mortensen. “Knock Out Roses are not re-blooming roses, which bloom in the spring, go quiet, and then bloom again in the fall.”

Does Knockout Rose smell good?

Originally, Knock Outs did not have much of a scent, but through selective breeding, the number of Knock Out varieties has increased over the past 20 years. Some varieties have a stronger scent than others, but the most strongly scented varieties are Easy Beezy and Orange Glow.

How to grow Knockout RosesPinterestKnockout Rose

Knockout Rose

How to Overwinter Knockout Roses

Because these roses are grown on their own rootstocks (not grafted onto harder rootstocks like older rose varieties), Mortensen says that if a rose dies during a particularly harsh winter, it will come back as a knockout rose of the same color and variety.

That being said, if you pot it in a cold climate you should protect the root ball from freezing. Wait until the plant goes dormant and drops its leaves in late fall or early winter, then place the pot in an unheated garage or basement.

If that's not possible, move the pots close to a house and surround them with hay bales to insulate them, which will also provide radiant heat, Mortensen says.

Most importantly, remember that dormant plants still need water, especially if you keep them outside on the occasional warm, sunny day. Water them once a month during the winter, says Mortensen.

Common Problems with Knockout Roses

Generally, Knock Out Roses are less susceptible to diseases and pests that affect roses. During harsh summer periods, the following may sometimes be observed:

Black spot. Leaves may develop black spots or a yellowish tinge, causing them to fall off. However, this does not affect the overall health of the plant. Water the base of the plant to prevent the development of such fungal diseases. Powdery mildew is a fungal disease that appears as a white substance on the leaves. It usually occurs more often on cloudy days with mild temperatures and subsides with the heat of summer. However, you can also use horticultural oil if you prefer. Or cut off the affected growth and new growth will appear. Aphids. Blow them off with a garden hose. Scarabs. It's not fun, but the best way to deal with them is to pick them off one by one and drop them into a bucket of soapy water. They usually don't become a big problem, so you don't have to do anything.Pink Double KnockoutKnockout Pink Double Knockout Credit: Knockout RosesEasy Beezy Fragrant Knockout RoseKnockout Rose Easy BZ Fragrance Knockout Rose Credit: Knockout RosePetit Knockout RoseKnockout Rose Petite Knockout Rose Credit: Knockout RoseWhite Knockout RoseKnockout Rose White Knockout Rose Credit: Knockout RoseCoral Knockout RoseKnockout Rose Coral Knockout Rose Credit: Knockout RoseSunny Knockout RoseKnockout Roses Sunny Knockout Roses Credit: Knockout RosesOrange Glow Fragrance Knockout RoseKnockout Rose Orange Glow Fragrance Knockout Rose Credit: Knockout RoseA headshot of Alicka Erin Sansone

Arricca Elin SanSone is a health and lifestyle writer for Prevention, Country Living, Woman's Day, etc. She is passionate about gardening, baking, reading, and spending time with the people and dogs she loves.


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