This is your 201-level guide to the various leaves, seeds, powders, and potions that are trending in the health sphere, and how to actually incorporate them into your life. Whether you're looking to power up your smoothies with natural supplements or want to know how to use that cacao powder sitting in your pantry, you'll find the information you need here. View All
There are so many different herbs, remedies, and supplements on the market, each with a myriad of benefits. So when it comes to creating the right routine for your body and specific needs, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. Patients often ask their herbalist “what do I need” without first asking themselves the bigger questions. In the latest episode of Plant-Based, herbalist Rachelle Robinett explains what questions to ask yourself to find the best herbal routine for your body and mind.
Some of the most common challenges Robinette sees include digestive and gut health issues, sleep and energy issues, mood regulation, stress, anxiety, general wellness, and brain health issues related to hormone imbalances. First, it's important to understand that there is no one-size-fits-all herbal solution. It's important to look at your own life and consider what support your body, brain, and lifestyle need. Do you need treatment for a specific ailment, or do you need a more preventative practice? Both are very important, Robinette explains.
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Next, you need to think about what is realistic for you. What types of herbs will you actually take? How often? When? In what form? Everybody's daily routine is different, so see what you can do. These remedies work best when taken regularly, and there are plenty of options: a few large capsules, more small ones, tea, adding them to your morning meal, or changing your evening routine.
Finally, what's around you? Find out what's available locally and how your climate, geography, and environment affect your ailments and concerns. Herbs don't just work when ingested; getting more herbs and greenery around you through houseplants, time outdoors, lifestyle and dietary changes, and sensory forms like essential oils can help. Watch the full episode to learn more from Robinett, a registered herbalist, but always consult with your doctor before starting any new supplements.
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