Herbalists say quirky-named 'delicious' spice helps relieve bloating

If bloating is a common problem for you, an herbalist has revealed a simple, natural remedy that can help relieve that uncomfortable bloated belly – but it has a strange name.

Herbalist shares tips to relieve bloating (Getty Images)

Dealing with abdominal bloating can be a real pain.

Feeling bloated after enjoying a tasty feast can be a total mood killer, but one herbalist claims to have discovered an unusually named spice that may put an end to your tummy woes.

Also on TikTok, Christian Drapeau said that the herb tastes a lot like licorice and can be used to make an unexpected kind of tea. “So what I have here is star anise,” he (@stemcellchristian) said. “As a French person, when I first mentioned it, I called it 'star anise' and got a very interesting reaction…

“It's very delicious. It tastes like licorice. Take two or three of them and boil them in eight or 12 ounces of water and drink it. You can add a little sweetener if you like.” This strange, star-shaped spice comes from the Chinese evergreen Illicium verum and has long been an important part of traditional remedies.

The spice Christian recommends for relieving bloating is star anise (stock image) (EPA)

Research has shown that it is rich in bioactive compounds such as linalool and quercetin, both of which are known for their anti-inflammatory properties, as well as anethole, a valuable compound found in the plant that is said to relieve pain associated with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Christian adds: “Star anise is delicious and works wonders for reducing bloating and gas.” While star anise is a beneficial spice, it is not without risks: It can be toxic, especially to infants, and can cause severe allergic reactions in some people.

The herbalist continued, “Other than that, don't take it for long periods of time if you don't take too much, but if you take it for a few months, it's fine. It's very effective at eliminating gas.”

Don't like the liquorice-like flavour of star anise? Don't worry, the NHS has a number of suggestions to help reduce bloating. They recommend staying active, staying hydrated and choosing foods high in fibre.

Replace large meals with smaller, more frequent meals. Massage your stomach to expel built-up gas. Drink plenty of water. Exercise regularly. Chew with your mouth closed to avoid swallowing air. Avoid excessive consumption of carbonated drinks, alcohol and caffeine. Avoid eating too much processed and fatty foods, cabbage, beans and lentils.

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