Hartford gardener provides free plants and knowledge to community – NBC Connecticut

Travis Stewart lives on Preston Street in Hartford's South End, and his house has a backyard garden.

“We grow pumpkins, kale, snake peas, tomatoes, peppers, collards, okra and garlic,” he said.

He also keeps chickens, rabbits and fish, and is planning to put up beehives soon. Stewart believes everyone should have a garden, and he gives out free plants to grow outside his home to get people started.

“I'm hoping to grow 200 plants,” he says. “I want to give as many away as I can.”

NBC Connecticut last checked in with Stewart for the Connecticut in Color segment in 2022, but since then, his garden has grown and he says he's gained a wealth of knowledge about soil and composting, and now he wants to share what he's learned with the community.

“You can see the joy and the look on their faces,” Stewart said. “It really makes you feel good and it makes you want to do more.”

He plans to expand his garden and shared his ideas about joining the farm-to-table space.

“I want to recreate what's here in a larger space,” he says, “and I'm glad people enjoy my work. That's the greatest joy and satisfaction.”

Stewart is inviting anyone interested in receiving a free plant to his home at 52 Preston St. in Hartford, and he'll also be hosting a chicken-butchering workshop on June 16.

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