Gear 101: Silcock Keys For Urban Survival

Gear 101 is part of our Prepping 101 series of articles designed to provide our readers a strong foundation on their journey to being prepared for emergency situations. Gear 101 will focus on the tools, supplies, and equipment that should be part of everyone’s “survival toolbox.” These articles will provide insight into basic and essential survival items and some insight into how and when they should be used. Those with less experience will benefit by learning what gear is truly needed and people with more experience can identify valuable tools that may be missing from their kit! This week we will be taking a look at essential urban survival tool, the 4 Way Silcock Key!

Key Features

  • Gear Type: Compact Tool
  • Gear Purpose: Clean Drinking Water Acquisition
  • Where It Helps: Urban and Suburban Environments
  • Kit It Should Be In: Urban Survival Kit, Travel Kit, Urban EDC Kit
  • Cost and Accessibility: Inexpensive and Easily Obtained

What is a Silcock Key

This is a simple “plus sign” shaped tool has for sockets which are designed to access various sized water valves, that allows water to be flow in the absence of a nob, handle, or wheel.

Where can a Silcock Key Be Used?

Silcock keys can be used to access water both inside and outside of buildings. Interior faucets can be used in absence of a knob or damaged water knobs can be removed and water can be turned on using the silcock key. Silcock keys can also be used to turn on external hose valves if the wheel has been removed or water valves on the side of large urban buildings.

How Do Silcock Keys Help In Urban Survival Situations

Having access to clean drinking water may be an afterthought in urban settings, however in an emergency where there is no other safe way to obtain drinking water the Silcock key can be used to quickly and easily access potable water. While it may seem unlikely, events like weather emergencies, civil unrest, or blocked routes of egress can result in us being stuck in an urban location. If the event leads to people being stuck for a few days with no ability to get supplies to the area, local stores may quickly run through supplies of bottled drinking water. Having a this simple 10 dollar tool in your urban survival kit can ensure you have access to clean water when it matters most!

silcock key with urban survival essentials

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For more on the foundations of survival and preparedness be sure to check out our Prepping 101 Guide

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