Gardening may help prevent dementia, study finds

Research suggests gardening may help ward off dementia and extend your lifespan.

A University of Edinburgh study followed hundreds of people and their lifestyles over several decades and found that those who spent time gardening had better brain function in later life than those who didn't.

The researchers now claim that gardening could be a powerful weapon against cognitive decline, and are calling for further research into the potential benefits of gardening.

The Journal of Environmental Psychology paper concludes: “Though little research has been done, the mentally stimulating properties of gardening may contribute to brain reserve in later life.”

“These results point to a promising new area of ​​research for understanding lifestyle factors that may promote cognitive aging.”

The research team examined the data as part of a longitudinal study following participants over their lifetimes.

Participants were tested between the ages of 11 and 79.

Children born in the Edinburgh area were given intelligence tests at the age of 11, and hundreds were then followed up and asked to take the same test at age 79. They also provided details of their lifestyle and brain health. Of the 467 people tested, around 30% had never gardened before, but 44% still gardened regularly.

The results showed clear differences between gardeners and non-gardeners: on average, the 280 people who gardened frequently or occasionally had better cognitive abilities as pensioners than they had when they were 11. But the 187 people who never or rarely gardened had lower test scores than they had as children.

Notably, they found that the association with gardening “persisted after controlling for education, occupational social class, health factors, and, importantly, overall physical activity.” The authors wrote that “Identifying lifestyle behaviors that promote healthy cognitive aging is of major societal interest for the prevention of cognitive decline and dementia.”

“The relationship between gardening and healthy cognitive ageing has been largely overlooked until now. [It involves] It requires not only physical effort, but also creativity and planning.

“Participating in gardening projects, learning about plants, and generally caring for a garden require complex cognitive processes, including memory and executive function.

“Consistent with the 'use it or lose it' paradigm of cognition, increased gardening engagement may be directly associated with a reduced risk of cognitive decline.”

“Wide range of benefits”

Between the ages of 79 and 90, brain function declined overall, but the gardeners maintained their previous advantage.

Gillian Council, head of brain health and innovation at the charity Alzheimer Scotland, welcomed the findings.

She told the Sunday Post: “It's encouraging to see research showing that gardening has the potential to promote mental stimulation and improve cognitive function.”

“Many people don't realise the wide range of benefits it can bring – for example, digging, planting and weeding can increase hand strength and studies have shown it also improves brain health.”

“Growing your own food can lead to healthier eating habits, which is another important factor. Plus, staying connected to others is good for brain health, so community gardens are great for socializing and can reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation.”

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