Gardener reveals glove storage tips after encounter with poisonous creature, but critics think it could lead to odour problems

A gardener has shared how to store gloves to prevent dangerous encounters with bugs.

However, viewers were concerned about the possibility of a foul smell being produced.

Gardener shows how to store gloves to keep dangerous creatures out (Stock Photo) Credit: Getty Images

Reddit user Cantorgreen has been going viral for his gardening tips.

“Gardener's tip: Store gloves in an airtight container to keep bugs away,” they say.

They showed off the plastic containers they use to safely store their trusty gardening gloves.

He explained that after encounters with terrifying creatures, they had to adapt to protect themselves.

“I rarely wear gloves while gardening because I'm afraid of spiders (I live in Texas) so this is a great idea,” one commenter wrote.

“I'm from Texas and I started hanging up my gloves after encountering a manta ray,” the Reddit user replied.

“But I insist on wearing gloves because I think it's important to protect your hands.”

“I used to work for an engineering company that did a lot of work at oil refineries in Louisiana,” another viewer said.

“Our safety officer taught us to always wear gloves and slam it hard against a wall or other hard object to kill anything that might be hiding inside.

“Black widow spiders are a big problem there and they like warm little hiding places near pipes and dikes which have to be heated for any treatment to take place there.

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“He claims that over the years several employees have lost fingers to manta ray and black widow spider bites because employees didn't listen. I do it all the time, I do it at home too.”

Many viewers were grateful for their handy little trick.

“This is amazing! My husband got bitten twice by spiders this weekend without even rocking gloves!” one user said.

“I once put my hand in a glove that had earwigs in it and I'm terrified of earwigs,” said another.

Some viewers were impressed, while others were concerned about the smell. Credit: Reddit

“I totally agree with this tip! It was about 25 years ago, but I'll never forget it. I still like to wear gloves, and often don't and just deal with the dirt under my fingernails myself.”

“Amazing. This is brilliant! I always shake my gardening gloves and then stomp on them to remove whatever's in there (black widow spiders in here) this is a much better idea,” said a third.

While they were proud of the inexpensive trick, more experienced gardeners expressed concern about other problems the tip could cause.

“Unless you live in the Atacama Desert and have never sweated, this is a bad idea,” one person said.

“Any moisture will 100% lead to bacteria and mold growth.”

“If you want stinky gloves, try this simple trick,” another agreed.

However, Reddit users are making sure to pack gloves in advance to ward off the smell.

“That's true. We allow the gloves to air dry before placing them in the container,” they replied.

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