Garden experts reveal the best ways to keep your lawn green and lush in hot weather

Make dry backyard grass a thing of the past

Keep your lawn looking great this summer (Getty)

Every summer, avid gardeners look for ways to keep their lawns looking beautiful throughout the summer.

As a scorching heatwave hits across the UK, the challenge of keeping your lawn healthy and green rather than brown and withered has once again come into play. Hot, dry weather can cause your grass to dry out quickly and look less attractive.

For anyone struggling to keep their lawn looking fresh, the gardening experts at Rainbow Rubbish Removals have shared their top tips for keeping your lawn green even in the heatwaves.

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Water thoroughly and regularly. (Getty)

Water generously and frequently

Opt for deep watering sessions rather than frequent shallow watering, as this encourages roots to grow deeper and makes your lawn more resistant to drought conditions. Water in the early morning or late evening to minimize evaporation.

Sprinkler hoses and drip irrigation systems are efficient watering solutions that deliver water directly to the soil and minimize evaporation. These methods target the root zone, reducing water waste and the risk of overwatering, promoting healthier plant growth. Plus, they help prevent fungal diseases by keeping the leaves dry.

Put mulch on the lawn

Setting your lawnmower blade higher will make your grass grow taller (Getty)

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