From Iceland — Whispering Herbs Next Door

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Joana Fontinha of Reykjavik Grapevine

Kolbrunn Björnsdottir is a modern-day potion maker.

Tucked away amid the hustle and bustle of Reykjavik's Laugavegur shopping street, herbal pharmacy Jurtaapótek has been introducing Icelanders and tourists to the healing powers of herbs since 2004. The pharmacy's main man is Kolbrún Björnsdóttir, an herbalist who knows firsthand the incredible benefits of natural remedies.

As a child, I lived in the countryside from age 12 to 17. I didn't really think about the healing properties of plants, but I was always very interested in nature. I would go outside and make sculptures with herbs. I didn't make tea at the time.

“You don't have to be sick to use herbs.”

Then I went to university, I went to a boarding school in Laugarvatn. I had a lot of free time there. There was a time when I became very interested in health and how to stay healthy. I started playing sports and I realized that if I exercised I would be a lot healthier. Then I cut down on sugar and started eating healthier. When I was probably around 19, I knew I wanted to do something different for my future career, but I didn't know what exactly. One day I saw an interview in the newspaper with a woman who went to England to learn about herbalism. I thought, “What is this? I'm going to do the same thing.”

At that point I had never met an herbalist or taken an herbal mixture, but I studied at the British School of Herbal Medicine and have been working in this field for 31 years, first in private practice for 11 years and then running the shop for the last 20 years.

Holistic view

The difference between herbs and medicines is that herbs help or support the body to strengthen and stay healthy or get better. Medicines are very direct. One chemical acts on one site to suppress or suppress the symptoms. Basically, the body doesn't complain and the same problem continues. Nothing gets better. I'm not saying medicines shouldn't exist. We are lucky to have them and they are very effective for acute symptoms. But it would be very good to see medicines being used alongside herbal remedies.

The same goes for the health care system. The health care system helps in emergencies. Last year, I broke my arm. Of course, I had to go to the doctor and get it fixed. I use the health care system when I need it. But when it comes to long-term problems, I use herbs.

I am learning every day. Books are like growing in my hands. I never let them go. When I go to the country on weekends, I often get teased because five books is too few for me. Sometimes I take 20 books.

The Power of the Humble Dandelion

The dandelion is my favorite plant. You can see it in the logo. People are always surprised because it's such a common plant. But it's an amazing plant! You can use the whole plant – the leaves are the kidneys, the roots are the liver. You can also use the flower itself. When you look at the flower, it's not just amazing, it's basically like the sun. Think of the way the flower unfolds and transforms.

I live in the city and I know the air isn't clean here, but I'd rather pick dandelions in the city than not use them at all.

There are a lot of plants growing in Iceland. But it's probably true that there aren't many plants that you can collect. I import all my dandelions. I import them from all over the world: Poland, England, America, India. In Iceland, it's very easy to find dandelions on the roadside or in the parks, but it's not easy to pick them there because you have to dig out the roots.

Using herbs has become easier

A lot of people are afraid to use herbs. They're afraid of doing it wrong. They know that a lot of the herbs out there are good for you, and they know that broccoli is good for you, but they don't know how to use them. They think, “I don't know anything, I won't use it.” Herbs are not like that. Most herbs are not dangerous, and there are books out there that tell you what each plant does. If you want to go out and pick herbs, make sure you take Flóra Íslands' book with you.

If you're still undecided, you can buy everything at Jurtaapótek. We produce hundreds of products. Everything is handmade, so we are basically a handicraft company. We offer herbs in powder form; mixtures to support the immune system or for specific purposes, capsules, teas, decoctions, ointments, essential oils, etc. You don't have to be sick to use herbs. You can also use them in your diet: put them in soups, porridge, bread, pancakes, etc. Use your imagination.

“The reason we put herbs in capsules is because people are lazy.”

We put herbs in capsules because people are lazy. It makes it so much easier. You just swallow the herb. You don't have to taste it, because some herbs are bitter and not tasty. You don't have to think about how to incorporate it into your diet. Basically, you come here and get a mix that supports your whole body. Or you can have one of our teas. Chamomile tea is the basic one, I use it a lot. It's a mild tea, it relaxes the intestinal system, it's anti-inflammatory. I also use lime flower a lot, it's also relaxing, but a little stronger than chamomile. I also use green oats and ashwagandha, not only to relax, but to strengthen the nervous system.

The demand for tea has grown a lot since we started. When we started, we had all kinds of tea, but we didn't sell very much. Nowadays, customers want to see plants. We can't keep the shelves stocked.

Kolbrun frequently hosts workshops on the use of herbs and offers private consultations. For more information, see

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