Experts suggest waiting to garden for now in Buffalo

Spring has been here for the past two weeks. I can't wait to see the grass and start gardening. But experts say it's best to hold back for now.

got it. The winter was long, and I spent all my time looking out the window, making plans for the moment when the snow would melt. April is almost over, but if you really want your garden to be a success this summer, experts suggest you might still want to hold off on it for a few weeks.

When is the best time to start gardening in Western New York?

If now is not the right time, when is the right time? This is a bit of a difficult question. Technically speaking, you can start a home garden now, but whatever you do will need to be done indoors. You can build a garden box and start growing plants in it. However, if you want to start gardening outdoors, you should wait until at least the last freeze. According to the National Weather Service, “The average last frost date is near the end of April in the Buffalo metropolitan area, but mid-May in inland areas.”

So, while the final freeze date is coming soon, there are still weeks to go before it becomes certain.

Can I plant anything before the last freeze?

In fact, there are some plants that grow better in cooler air and when planted before the season's final freeze. Those plants include kale, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, mustard greens, collard greens, turnips and cabbage, according to HGTV.

When should I start planting?

Here in Western New York, this rule has almost always followed Memorial Day. Around the third weekend in May, you'll want to get your plants outdoors in the ground to get plenty of Buffalo sunshine. It's not finished yet, but it will be done soon.

10 things to do to keep deer and rabbits from eating your plants in New York

Gallery credit: Brett Allan

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Plant some in your garden to keep mosquitoes away

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