Peonies are one of the most popular flowering plants, beloved by gardeners for their showy, romantic flowers that bloom for a short period of time from late spring to early summer. Peony flowers come in a variety of colors from soft pink to deep mauve, and their large flowers, which can grow up to 6 inches, attract attention.
Like most flowering plants, peonies are also plagued by several pests and diseases that can sadly affect flowering and plant health. Many of the common suspects, such as aphids, slugs, and spider mites, can cause problems, and there are also some peony-specific problems that gardeners should be aware of.
For experienced gardeners who have been growing peonies for several years, or for novice gardeners looking to learn how to grow peonies, knowing how to identify and deal with peony pests and problems is essential to successful growth. Very important. Here are some expert tips and advice from professional gardeners.
Peony flowers can grow up to 6 inches in diameter and come in a variety of colors.
(Image credit: Getty Images/Katrin Ray Shumakov)
Peony pests and problems
Pests and problems with peonies can affect flowering and plant health, which can be disappointing for gardeners who grow this stunning ornamental plant, famous for its attention-grabbing cup-shaped blooms each spring. not.
Gardeners who can identify the following common pests and diseases are best able to prevent and quickly address problems and help their peonies thrive.
Peony withers
The first sign of peony blight is brown or black spots that appear on the leaves of the plant.
(Image credit: Getty Images/Valentina Sheboltaeva)
Peony blight is probably the most common problem gardeners encounter when growing peonies. Peony wilt, which gets its name from the appearance of wilted leaves and drooping flower stalks, is caused by a fungal infection called botrytis.
“Botrytis is a type of gray mold that typically occurs in wet, humid conditions,” says Kady Adelman, peony expert and retail manager at Adelman Peony Gardens in Oregon.
“The first sign that peonies are wilting is the appearance of brown or black spots on the leaves,” Kady added, as seen in the image above. “We recommend spraying the entire plant with a product labeled as effective against black spot on rose bushes.” Organic rose spray is available at Walmart.
“Follow the instructions on the products you're using. That will help slow the spread,” Kady said. If the leaves/stem are completely black/brown, go ahead and prune them.
To deal with peony wilt, “you need to remove diseased stems and leaves and focus on prevention,” says Reece Robbins, horticulture expert and founder of Just Pure Gardening. says. “Remove fallen leaves and debris from around your peonies to reduce the spread of disease,” Reese added.
For gardeners considering when to cut back peonies, the ideal time is fall. At this point, “cut back the peony's stems while also pruning nearby plantings to improve air circulation,” Reese continues. This will help limit the spread of mold and disease in the future.
The important thing is to make sure that you dispose of it properly, just as you would with any infected green waste. Composting this waste is not recommended as it can cause further problems and infect other plants in your garden.
Kady Adelman
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peony expert
Kady is a peony expert and the retail manager of Adelman Peony Gardens, which grows a large collection of peonies on 30 acres in Brooks, near Salem, Oregon, in the beautiful Willamette Valley. Adelman currently has at least 500 named peonies growing in his fields.
Reese L. Robbins
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Founder of Just Pure Gardening
Reece L. Robbins is the founder of Just Pure Gardening, a site filled with fruit and vegetable growing guides, garden ideas, and gardening product reviews.
Mealybugs appear on new green growth and feed on plant leaves
(Image credit: Kishan Talawatta / Alamy Stock Photo)
Mealybugs are small pests that can cause major damage to peony plants. Knowing how to fight mealybugs in the garden is very important to ensure that your peonies bloom.
Mealybugs, which are usually found in large numbers, appear white and are relatively easy to identify on green leaves. “Mealybugs have a defense mechanism that involves producing a sticky white substance that looks like cotton,” says Rees.
Reese recommends using organic and natural treatments. “Neem oil is a very effective organic solution when dealing with mealybugs and quickly kills the insects,” says Rees. Organic products are widely available, such as this neem oil solution from Walmart.
Peony mold
Peony mold appears as a white powder or dust on the leaves of plants.
(Image credit: Getty Images/SBSArtDept)
Mold is a common plant problem often experienced in mild, humid climates. Although mold is rarely fatal to plants, it is unsightly and can limit plant performance if left untreated.
When thinking about how to get rid of powdery mildew, “it's important to act quickly,” says Kady. “At the first sign of mold, spray with a product suitable for treating mold on plants, such as an organic fungicide spray.”
I have battled with peony mold many times, and although it can detract from the beauty of peony flowers, it is hardly anything to worry about. Mold typically grows during the spring and summer months, when temperatures are warmer and more humid. So while it may be unsightly, it tends to be a recurring problem that gardeners have to tolerate. Fortunately, during the summer the flowers bloom and our attention is directed elsewhere.
“As with wilt peonies, it's important to make sure the plants have good air circulation and plenty of sunlight,” Kady added. We like to crowd our borders and backyards with plants, but this can make the problem worse, so it might be worth giving your peony plants a little more breathing room.
organic gardening fungicide spray
An organic spray that controls plant diseases such as powdery mildew, black spot, peach leaf blight, and rust. Ideal for use on vegetables, roses and herbs. This is an ideal spray for organic gardeners and gardeners looking for a solution that does not harm the environment.
peony ant
Ants are attracted to peony buds. Peonies secrete a sweet sap just before blooming.
(Image credit: Getty Images/eyfoto)
Many gardeners wonder why peonies attract ants. It is thought that every year, ants appear in large numbers on the peony buds. “You don't need ants to make a peony bloom. This is an old wives' tale,” Kady continues.
“Ants are attracted to peony buds that secrete sweet sap just before they bloom. This food is sweet and delicious to them.”
It is important to note that ants do little harm to peonies and will move on once the buds open and bloom. Additionally, ants prevent aphids and scale insects from breeding, so while it may seem worrying to see hundreds of ants crawling on your peony buds, there's no need to worry.
“No need to worry, but if ants are a nuisance, you can use an ant blocking product that can be purchased at your local hardware store or garden center,” Kady added. Cut the flowers and put them inside. ”
Products such as diatomaceous earth can help keep ants and insects off your peonies. Additionally, consider using spices to raid your spice rack and deter common garden pests. Many gardeners suggest that cinnamon and cloves can be used to repel insects.
The Roman peony, Paeonia 'Rome', is something special. It has a smaller and more compact tree shape than other peonies, and is known as an easy-to-grow variety. With this peony, even those with a small garden, terrace or balcony can grow wonderful flowers with an incredible fragrance.
hanging peony flowers
Peony flowers can droop as they grow, so it's important to support them with a stake.
(Image provided by: Getty/Kazue Tanaka)
A final issue to be aware of when growing peonies is that these large flowers may benefit from staking, especially since spring weather can be changeable with strong winds and heavy rain.
“Peonies are very heavy,” says Kady. “After it rains, water gets in between the petals and weighs them down, making them even heavier.” For this reason, peony plants can benefit from staking. If you're a gardener looking for a project, why not try making a hazel plant stake for a natural, artisan look?
“There are many options for supporting plants, including cages, sticks, and different types of supports,” adds Kady. “We like to use bamboo and string because you can tuck the poles under the leaves and hide the posts so they're not too unsightly.”
Alternative plant supports are available from Walmart.
What is the best treatment for peonies infected with downy mildew?
As seen in the image above, peony mold turns the leaves white or gray and is easy to spot. Although mold is rarely fatal to plants, it can be unsightly, so gardeners are often eager to treat the problem. Use an organic fungicide spray on the affected leaves, making sure to follow the directions on the package, and repeat the treatment if necessary.
It's important to know how to identify and treat peony pests, problems, and diseases because quick action can help resolve the problem. As with all pest and disease control, always consider using organic and natural treatments whenever possible. For more advice on caring for and growing peonies, see our guide on the best approach to dead peonies.