Cultura members enjoy herbal tea – Franklin County Times

Members of the Cultura Garden Club gathered at Lisa Adkins' lovely home for their April meeting.

Lisa is known for her delicious herbal teas made from herbs from her garden. She is an expert at drinking tea and observing proper etiquette when serving tea, such as lifting the teacup, placing the saucer on the table, and returning the cup to the saucer between sips. Lisa is also an expert at pairing tea and food to enhance the taste of herbal teas, and she is also adept at using fine china.

She used four different herbs when making tea for this conference: lemon balm, spearmint, peppermint, and applemint. She said herbs have many health benefits, including helping with sleep, calming the stomach, helping with relaxation and stress relief, as well as relieving colds and flu and promoting heart health. I did. Hostess Donna Lowry provided snacks for Lisa and prepared herb cuttings for each member to plant in their herb garden.

President Debbie Nail reported that the spring flower sale was a success. More than 200 baskets and garden flowers were sold. The flowers will be delivered to her home on April 29th and people will be able to pick up their purchases.

Each member received a registration form for the Alabama Garden Club District 1 Spring Meeting. The meeting will be held on April 25th at Grace Anglican Church in Sheffield.

April is National Autism Awareness Month. This event began in his 1972 year. The Autism Society established this event to raise awareness, promote advocacy and inspire change in schools, communities, healthcare facilities and businesses. Throughout the month, the focus will be on providing opportunities to share stories, increase understanding and acceptance of people with autism, and encourage global support.

Debbie shared a book with me called The Reason I Jump by Naoki Higashida. She said this is an interesting book in which Mr. Higashida narrates his first-hand experience with a nonverbal autistic teenager, answers frequently asked questions, and explains the reasons behind his behavior. He said that.

Other events held by Cultura Garden Club in April include National Gardening Month, Earth Day, and Arbor Day.

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