Cats can be a bit tricky to keep out of your garden as they are unpredictable and very territorial, but there are some easy solutions to keep them away.
A little orange peel can repel mice and cats (Getty Images)
Rom Preston Ellis, Angela Patrone 14:30, July 16, 2024
During the summer months, gardens are infested with a variety of pests, but cats often cause the most damage.
Cats are known for their unpredictable nature and territoriality, making them extremely difficult to keep out of your garden. These furry invaders are notorious for munching and uprooting plants and using the garden as their personal toilet. Cats claim their territory by leaving pheromones behind through their feces and urination, and as long as they can smell their scent, they'll keep coming back.
To deter these feline visitors, gardening experts are suggesting using the scent of oranges, reported the Express this month. As oranges don't grow in the UK, experts recommend using orange peels around plants and other areas you don't want to scare cats away. Primrose experts say cats “hate the smell of citrus”, so sprinkling leftover orange peels in desirable locations can effectively repel the pesky wanderers.
The principle is simple: cats don't like the smell of fruit, so they leave the area. Plus, this is a gentler way to keep cats away without harming them. Cats who have previously experienced strong odors may develop an even stronger aversion to citrus odors.
If you can't get oranges, you can use lemon peels, which also have a citrus scent. Just remember to replace the peels regularly as they dry out and lose their effectiveness. Orange peels not only repel cats, but their high vitamin content makes them a great source of nutrients for your compost pile.
Even if you don't have a compost pile, you can still benefit from the nutrient-rich peels by making your own fertilizer to nourish plants like hydrangeas and roses.
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