YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio (WKBN) — Flowers are blooming again. That means it's time to dust off your garden tools. If you have never tried gardening before, please give it a try.
Summer is almost here. If you want to prepare your garden this year, whether it's flowers or fruits and vegetables, now is the perfect time to start.
One of the benefits of a personal garden is that you can organize it however you like. Come up with a theme, create your own design for your flower pots, and watch those seeds and sprouts grow every day. Gardening is not only fun but also good for your health.
“Gardening is exercise. It's muscle-building and weight-bearing exercise, so it's very effective in preventing osteoporosis,” said Dr. Deborah Benzil, a neurosurgeon at the Cleveland Clinic. “I really think gardening is the perfect form of exercise, especially as we get older. It's only after you're 30 or 35 that you have to start thinking seriously about things like that.”
Dr. Benzil says other benefits of gardening include not feeling like you're exercising. Plus, you can spend time outdoors, which research shows has a positive impact on your mental health. Seeing the results of your efforts also gives you a sense of accomplishment.
It's also important to be careful when lifting heavy mulch or soil to avoid injury. Dr. Benzil suggests using a wheelbarrow or placing the bag at waist height on a shelf or truck bed to make it easier to transport.
Dr. Benzil says to be careful not to slouch, which can put stress on your back. Kneel or sit on a stool when planting. And don't forget to stretch first.
“Just like any other exercise, you need to train and prepare. You want to do a little stretching before gardening, and it's really important to stretch after gardening,” she says. I gave advice. “Again, as with any exercise, if you twist or turn, take five or 10 minutes to slowly stretch and return your body to its normal position.”