Carlos Gomez of Austin Gardeners talks about the benefits of xeriscaping for Texans

As summer heat hits full swing and Texas cities face drought, homeowners are turning to a different landscaping model: xeriscaping, which incorporates native Texas plants, gravel and drought-tolerant greenery.

Community Impact spoke with Carlos Gomez, project manager for Austin Gardeners, who offered insight into why so many Austin residents are leaning toward an eco-friendly model of landscaping.

This interview has been edited for length and clarity.

How is xeriscaping different from other types of landscaping and why is it so popular among customers?

What sets xeriscaping apart from other landscape options is the awareness behind the drought we are currently experiencing and how it can be managed. [a] More sustainable landscaping, more water efficient, and preserving native plants. … So there are a lot of factors that make this a better option. … It's becoming more popular in the Austin area, but also in Leander, Liberty Hill and surrounding areas, and I think the main goal is to “use water wisely.”

Star Jazmine, Blue Glow Agave and pink muhly grass are incorporated into the Manor's backyard, and pink granite gravel, basalt gravel and moss boulders are used to complete the water feature. (Courtesy of Austin Gardeners)

What are your favorite Texas native plants to use in xeriscapes?

Agave is [desert] They can withstand almost any weather. Many ornamental grasses are perennials, meaning they die back in winter and can be trimmed back, then regrow in spring. When combined, they create a beautiful contrast of colors and textures.

Learn about the maintenance required for your xeriscape.

Naturally, you won't need to mow as often, so the most important thing to do to keep your xeriscape looking nice is to remove weeds as soon as you see them…. Many clients think that once the materials are installed, they don't have to do anything. Not true.

What percentage of your clients ultimately choose xeriscape landscaping?

Around 60 years old[%]- 65% of our clients are using xeriscapes….we use a lot of more modern styles[s] It's a landscaped space, but it has a bit of a xeriscape design, meaning there will be concrete pad areas surrounded by gravel, where native and drought-tolerant plants will be planted.

Xeriscaping often leads to reduced energy bills. Does a xeriscaping installation cost more than other landscaping models?

For example, the cost of installing a lawn and a xeriscape is roughly the same. The cost is determined by the number of plants you use. [and] The type of material. Some gravel is $50 a yard, some gravel is $500 a yard. This definitely makes a big difference.

Carlos Gomez, project manager for Austin Gardeners, poses outside the Austin Gardeners office. (Courtesy of Austin Gardeners)

Every customer has different garden preferences, but does a xeriscape landscape typically fall within a certain price range?

For example, let's say you make a 10×20 yard one. Prices start at $5.[,000]-$10,000. We've done larger yards, maybe 10,000 square feet, and the cost ranges from $25 to[,000]-$40,000. …Varies greatly depending on the amount of plants. [and] Materials we use.

What advice would you give to people considering a xeriscape landscape?

Plan ahead. What do you want to have in your xeriscape in terms of plants? How can you create contrast between your xeriscapes? … Once you start putting down different gravels to create contrast, it'll become more appealing and people will think, “Oh, xeriscape isn't so bad.”

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