“For the first year, I had no idea what to do.”

Looking at a barren patch of earth can be hard to conjure up visions for, but a North Carolina gardener has managed to create a beautiful, lush garden from nothing.

One Reddit user shared the transformation he completed over the course of three years on r/NativePlantGardening.

This post includes a carousel of photos and details about the gardening process, starting with the bare soil and continuing to the first sections of the garden in Year 1. These two photos are followed by nearly a dozen more that show how the garden has grown and flourished.

Photo credit: Reddit

"Looks beautiful!"Photo credit: Reddit

The poster wrote: “The first year I had no idea what to do… but since then I have learned so much and fallen in love with gardening for wildlife… It has been so exciting to see the vegetation really thrive this spring and I can't wait for the coming weeks and months.”

Creating a beautiful garden while respecting the local ecosystem is not only possible, but is becoming increasingly popular.

According to the 2023 National Gardening Survey conducted by the National Wildlife Federation and the American Horticultural Society, “28% of U.S. adults purchase plants that are beneficial to native bees, butterflies or birds.”

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Planting native plants in your garden is a win-win for native animals and your wallet: While there is an upfront cost to purchase new seeds and plants, these types of gardens often require much less day-to-day maintenance.

According to our guide, “Even if you spend $1,000 on landscaping materials like native plants and mulch, you'll benefit in the long run by saving $275 a year on water, $50 on fertilizer, and $50 on pesticides and weed control.”

Even replacing parts of your lawn with low-maintenance plants like clover or buffalo grass can have benefits and help the pollinator insects that depend on them for food and shelter.

Commenters were impressed with the green transformation.

One person said: “Wow your post was just right on time. I was getting disheartened looking at the tiny seedlings and the big spaces that need filling. Your garden looks amazing!”

“So beautiful! Congratulations!” another commenter wrote.

Gardening can be a lot of work, but seeing posts like this one inspires me to keep planting.

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