“This makes it all worth it.”

There are many avenues to cultivate beauty all around us, if only we had the creative spark to seek them out.

For example, this Reddit user transformed a health strip (an inconspicuous patch of grass between the sidewalk and the road) into a “pollinator zone” filled with vibrant flowers, then shared photos of the reward for their efforts on the subreddit r/NativePlantGardening.

In the photo, a monarch butterfly rests on a plant in a pollinator zone.

Photo credit: Reddit

“This is the first time I've recorded monarchs using the milkweed I planted from seed last year,” the original poster wrote in the comments. “My neighbors thought I was a total idiot when I ripped up the lawn and planted a health strip with pollinating insects (70% native), but it was all worth it.”

There are 73 species of milkweed native to North America, and about 30 of them are used as house plants for monarch butterflies, according to Monarch Watch. The Reddit user also said she grows blanket flowers and pink zinnias in her garden.

Not only do native plants add color and beauty to an otherwise unsightly landscape, they also provide food and shelter for local wildlife and create a healthier ecosystem for pollinators year-round, as demonstrated by this Reddit user: Invasive plants may not be food for pollinators or may not meet their needs.

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Creating habitat for pollinators also benefits humans, as they help protect our food supply and keep the world beautiful: The U.S. Department of Agriculture notes that three-quarters of flowering plants and more than one-third of food crops depend on these organisms.

Growing native plants not only saves you money and time on lawn care, conserves water and lowers your water bill, but it also gives you the joy that comes with gardening.

Planting buffalo grass or xeriscaping is an environmentally friendly, low-maintenance way to incorporate native plants into your landscape and blend in with your local climate. You can also reap these benefits by simply replacing a portion of your lawn or creating health strips.

🗣️ Which of the following would be your main motivation for switching from grass to a more natural lawn? 🔘 Improved appearance 🌱 🔘 Save on water and maintenance costs 💰 🔘 Help pollinators 🐝 🔘 I can't imagine losing my lawn 🚫 🗳️ Click on your selection to see the results and give your opinion

Other Reddit users also took to the comments section to praise the little garden and share their own tales of hellish stripping.

“YEAH!!” one user commented.[It’s] It's the small victories that matter.”

“That's great! My health trip is in deep shade so I'm planting blue stem goldenrod, Christmas fern, wood poppy, golden ragwort, wild ginger and native violets. The colours of goldenrod in autumn are so vibrant!” commented another.

“Great job!” someone else wrote. “Now let's try some guerilla native pollinator gardens around town.”

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