When World of Warcraft: Dragonflight launched, one of the new expansion's main selling points was a complete overhaul of professions and their systems. And Blizzard has certainly paid off, revamping every profession in the game to include entirely new specializations and talents.
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Herbology is one of the classic collecting professions, providing herbs needed for alchemy and inscriptions. It has also been completely reworked to allow you to specialize in collection speed and opportunities to find rare reagents. The herbs themselves have also undergone some changes, mixing in some gameplay quirks with the usual grind. Here's everything you need to know about Dragonflight Herbology.
Herbology is one of the most valuable professions in World of Warcraft due to its nature as a collecting trade. You will find yourself flying and swooping around the world to select materials that can be used in other professions.
Once you've collected a ton of crafting plants, you can either sell them at the auction house to make some quick money, or take up alchemy and inscriptions as a second profession and refine them into potions, flasks, or wands and glyphs. can. Alternatively, you can choose to mine and collect ore at the same time and exchange all materials with another character.
If you want to opt for the easier trades that form the basis of World of Warcraft's economy, you can find several Herbology trainers throughout the Dragon Isles. The most famous is his Agrikus of Valdrakken.
Although not strictly required, it is also recommended to obtain herbology equipment. These are made through other professions, but if you don't have the ability to make them yourself, they can just as easily be purchased from auction houses. You can equip one tool and two accessories at the same time.
basic herbs
Once you've mastered your herbalism skills, it's time to get to work. Use your dragon mount to travel around each of the different zones and explore the ground for herb cultivation nodes. These nodes can be tracked on the minimap. Find his 4 different plants to collect. They all grow in different climates.
best zone
It grows wherever possible and becomes the most common.
bubble poppy
It grows anywhere that is humid and is often found along river banks, caves, and beaches.
Orn Aran Plains
Liza Burke
It grows anywhere there is a high density of other plants and is often found in forests.
azur span
It grows in harsher climates and is often found on cliff sides and mountain tops.
Waking Shores
At level 1, you can choose the herbs you find to make steady progress and level up. However, as you gain experience, the rank-up effects of certain herbs begin to wear off.
Hochenblume guarantees ranks up to level 15, drops further at level 25, and finally stops providing experience points at level 30. Bubble Poppy, Writhebark, and Saxifrage are all guaranteed ranks up to level 35, then drop further at level 50. , and then finally stops providing experience points at level 60.
Once you reach level 60, you can no longer rank up from collecting basic herbs and must focus on modified herbs to reach the upper echelons of the profession.
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herbal modifier
Modifiers are a new addition to Dragonflight and serve to spice up your gameplay by providing everything from minor annoyances to real threats that can kill you if you're not careful. Just as basic herbs prefer one climate over another, so do modifiers, where a plant's location determines how it is affected.
However, modifiers are not always an obstacle. New specializations allow you to choose to conquer specific modifiers to reduce their negative effects and gain unique temporary bonuses.
negative effect
beneficial effects
best zone
lush green
Not applicable
Harvest lush herbs for a chance to earn additional materials.
One node yields more herbs.
titan touch
Not applicable
Titan Touched herbs can give expert herbalists temporary increases in speed and secondary stats.
Awakening coast
increase order
Wind-blown herbs can be blown off cliffs and mountains by chance, which troubles herbalists.
Wind-exposed herbs can give expert herbalists temporary immunity to fall damage if they fall more than 40 yards.
Orn Aran Plains
Awakening air
Extremely cold
Frigid herbs will form a block of ice beneath the herbalist when harvested, causing him to be stunned for a short period of time if he attempts to move.
Frigid Herb gives expert herbalists a chance to freeze enemies that get too close.
azur span
Frost awakens
Rotten herbs cause illness to herbalists who try to collect them, and they slowly die unless they are repeatedly jumped off and chased away.
Rotten herbs can give a professional herbalist a significant cooldown on herbalist-specific abilities.
azur span
Raising Decay
Due to the risks involved and the extremely rare discoveries, Altered Herbs provide the remaining ranks needed to reach level 100. However, as your herbalist skills increase, so does your effectiveness.
The modified Hochenblume offers a guaranteed rank up to level 65, then further decays at level 80, but always offers a chance for experience up to level 100. Modified Bubble Poppy, Writhebark, and Saxifrage always provide guaranteed ranks up to level 100.
Specialized field
The biggest change Dragonflight introduces to professions is a brand new talent tree system called Specialization. Dragon Isles Herbalism Knowledge, obtained by collecting new herbs and researching Dream Bloom reagents, allows you to funnel points into specific skills.
rich harvest
The first specialization is called Bountiful Harvests, which collects as much information as possible from a single node. These talents include finding high quality reagents while collecting and dictating how much reagent you can pick up with each harvest, which makes you a jack-of-all-trades when it comes to trees in general. or specialize more in one of the four flowers. .
Botany is about being able to collect herbs while riding a dragon, and how quickly you can harvest herbs. Botany also allows you to sub-specialize for a deeper understanding of rich herbs, and also offers the ability to reliably collect seeds from collected herbs, allowing you to create your own flourishing plants within your patch of rich soil. can be cultivated.
master the elements
The final specialty, Mastering the Elements, allows you to gain beneficial effects from modified herbs. Generalized trees apply small bonuses when collecting modified herbs of all kinds, but sub-specialize within Frigid, Decay, Titan Touch, or Windswept modifiers to apply specific bonuses. You can accept them and cancel out their negative aspects.
collection of knowledge
As mentioned above, you can gain more knowledge of Dragon Isles' herbalism by discovering new herbs you haven't encountered before, or finding Dreamblooms. This rare reagent and its petals are found randomly every time you pick up an herb and can provide you with 1-3 points of knowledge.
However, most of the knowledge can come in the form of quests from trainers and artisan consortia. These earn shards of dragon knowledge as rewards, and these items can be exchanged with Master Artisan Kadin for huge profits in herbal knowledge.
Kadin can be found within the Caverns of Kadin, just west of Malkai on the Plains of Ornaran, and is first introduced through a quest given to you by Agricus. Once you gain her trust, Kadin will be able to occasionally find shards of dragon knowledge when collecting herbs.
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