WoW Dragonflight Class Balance Changes: Buffs & Nerfs for PVP & PVE

Revealed: Dec sixth, 2022, 06:09

Find out about all the category stability adjustments for World of Warcraft (WoW) Dragonflight, together with buffs and nerfs each for PvE and PvP.

With a not-so-stable launch behind it, World of Warcraft‘s Dragonflight enlargement is in full swing, as heroes of Azeroth are training Dragonriding in Dragon Isles. Right here, some clear imbalances are being found, which has led developer Blizzard to make a number of WoW Dragonflight class stability adjustments.

This text outlines the PvE and PvP stability adjustments to all courses in WoW Dragonflight, specializing in some quite extreme buffs and nerfs throughout the board, so let’s get began.

WoW Dragonflight PvE Steadiness Adjustments: Buffs & Nerfs

wow world of warcraft dragonflight class balance changes buffs nerfs pve pvp
There are a tonne of PvE class stability adjustments for WoW gamers to digest. (Image: Blizzard)

Blizzard has determined to make some important PvE stability adjustments, from nerfs to Demon Hunters to buffs for Hearth Mages, and far more. Try all the category stability adjustments for WoW Dragonflight beneath.

Demon Hunter PvE Adjustments:

  • The Hunt harm lowered by 10%.
  • Fodder to the Flame proc charge not scales with Haste.

Druid PvE Changes:

  • Restoration
    • Regrowth healing decreased by 6%.

Hunter PvE Changes:

  • Steel Trap damage has been reduced by 20%.
  • Explosive Shot damage has been increased by 15%.
  • Barrage damage has been increased by 15%.
  • Marksmanship
    • All damage increased by 10%.
    • Heavy Ammo now causes Trick Shot ricochets to deal an additional 25% damage (was 10%).
  • Survival
    • All damage increased by 5%.

Mage PvE Changes

  • Fire
    • Flamestrike damage increased by 8%.
    • Pyroblast damage increased by 5%.
    • Fireball damage increased by 10%.
    • Scorch damage increased by 10%.
    • Ignite damage increased by 5%.

Rogue PvE Changes:

  • Assassination
    • Exsanguinate cooldown increased to 3 minutes (was 45 seconds) and bleed effect magnitude reduced to 80% (was 100%).
      • Developers’ notes: Recent data indicates that Exsanguinate is drastically overperforming its historic and intended power level. We recognize that this is a heavy nerf for an individual talent, but it is important that Exsanguinate’s power be similar to alternative available talent choices. We see this as a temporary measure as we head towards the opening of Dragonflight’s first season, and we will reconsider Exsanguinate’s position and role as an available talent for Assassination. We may move, replace, or redesign it in a future patch.

Monk PvE Changes:

  • Brewmaster
    • Brewmaster’s Balance now grants 45% increased stamina (was 30%).
  • Mistweaver
    • Awakened Faeline Spinning Crane Kick now heals 3 nearby allies for 60% of the damage done (was 50%).
    • Vivify heal to primary target increased by 20%.
    • Peaceful Mending now increases healing received by Enveloping Mist and Renewing Mist by 15/30% (was 10/20%).
    • Yu’lon’s Whisper now heals 5 targets (was 6), and healing increased by 15%.

Paladin PvE Changes

  • Protection
    • Aegis of Light now grants 50% increased stamina (was 45%) and 30% increased armor (was 15%).

Shaman PvE Changes:

  • Restoration
    • All healing spells healing increased by 5%.
    • Acid Rain damage increased by 50%.

Warlock PvE Changes:

  • Soul Leech now converts 3% of damage dealt to an absorb shield (was 6%).

Warrior PvE Changes:

  • Arms
    • Fueled by Violence now heals for 85% of the damage done by Deep Wounds (was 65%).
  • Protection
    • Fueled by Violence now heals for 85% of the damage done by Deep Wounds (was 65%).
    • Brutal Vitality now causes 15% of the damage you deal to add to your active Ignore Pain (was 30%).

Alongside the buffs and nerfs for WoW Dragonflight classes in PvE, we also see a long list of balance changes specifically for PvP, outlined in the next section.

WoW Dragonflight PvP Balance Changes: Buffs & Nerfs

wow world of warcraft dragonflight class balance changes buffs nerfs pve pvp
Even WoW Dragonflight’s new class/race combo got some nerfs. (Picture: Blizzard)

Blizzard has made several huge balance changes to almost every class for PvP in WoW Dragonflight. This comes after data gathered from the beta and observations following Dragonflight’s launch. Check out all the WoW Dragonflight PvP class balance changes below.

Death Knight PvP Changes:

  • Anti-Magic Shell absorption amount reduced by 25% in PvP combat.
  • Will of the Necropolis damage reduction reduced by 50% in PvP in combat.
  • Anti-Magic Barrier increase to Anti-Magic Shell duration and amount absorbed has been reduced by 50% in PvP combat.
  • Abomination Limb will no longer pull individual enemy players more than once over its duration (was every 4 seconds).
  • Improved Death Strike increase to Death Strike’s healing has been reduced by 50% in PvP combat.
  • Frost
    • Death Strike’s healing increased based on recent damage is reduced by 50% if the damage was dealt by players or their pets.
  • Unholy
    • Death Strike’s healing increased based on recent damage is reduced by 50% if the damage was dealt by players or their pets.
      • Developers’ notes: Death Knight survivability has been substantially higher than we’re comfortable with, so we’re targeting several aspects of their defensive kit. We feel that with these adjustments, Death Knights will maintain durability with options to counterplay defensively. Additionally, the multiple grips from Abomination Limb created scenarios of unfun gameplay with minimal counterplay in PvP. We’re changing this talent to be able to pull in a unique player in once per talent usage. We believe this change will allow the talent to be an attractive talent to pick while maintaining counterplay options for opponents.

Druid PvP Changes:

  • Restoration
    • Budding Leaves is now 70% effective in PvP combat.
    • Fixed an issue that caused Focused Growth’s buff to only apply to one Lifebloom at a time while using the Undergrowth talent.
      • Developers’ notes: Lifebloom has been a higher percentage of Druid healing’s breakdown in PvP than we’d like, so we’re reducing Budding Leaves to bring it more in line.

Evoker PvP Changes:

  • Scarlet Adaptation’s cap is reduced by 30% in PvP combat.
  • Fire Breath’s initial damage is reduced by 30% in PvP combat.
  • Disintegrate and Pyre deal 15% increased damage in PvP combat.
    • Developers’ notes: The goal of this tuning change is to reduce the very high burst from fully charged Fire Breath, which we felt was unfair, as it had the potential to kill enemy players without any time to react. Living Flame also had the potential to deal high burst with all of its modifiers combined together, so we’re reducing Scarlet Adaptation’s cap in PvP. To compensate for the lost power, we’re increasing the damage of Disintegrate and Pyre so that Evoker can contribute more meaningful consistent damage. Note that this will affect both Devastation and Preservation specializations.
  • Preservation
    • Mana regeneration is reduced by an additional 10% in PvP combat.
    • Developers’ notes: All healers have reduced mana regeneration in PvP, so that fights end after a reasonable period of time. Preservation receiving this reduction brings them closer in line with the other healers so that mana is relevant in PvP.

Mage PvP Changes:

  • Arcane
    • Nether Precision is now 75% effective in PvP combat.
    • Prodigious Savant is now 80% effective in PvP combat.
    • Arcane Bombardment is now 65% effective in PvP combat.
      • Developers’ notes: We’re looking to address Arcane’s instant burst damage through adjustments targeting Arcane Blast and Arcane Barrage modifiers. Arcane Bombardment in particular has been too powerful of an execute effect in PvP for its current availability.
  • Frost
    • Piercing Cold is now 50% effective in PvP combat.
    • Ice Lance damage increased by 20% in PvP combat.
    • (PvP Talent) Snowdrift no longer has a cast time (was 1.5 seconds).
    • (PvP Talent) Snowdrift’s cooldown reduced to 45 seconds (was 60 seconds).
      • Developers’ notes: Glacial Spike critical strikes are hitting harder than we would like, despite the long cast time attached to this spell. We’re reducing Piercing Cold’s critical strike damage modifier in PvP to help address this without impacting the base damage of the spell. We’re also increasing the damage of Ice lance as the Splitting Ice talent is less valuable in PvP, given the unpredictable and constant movement of players. Additionally, Snowdrift has been requiring more ramp up than intended, so we’re removing its cast time and lowering its cooldown.

Monk PvP Changes:

  • Mistweaver
    • Ancient Teachings of the Monastery now heals for 375% of damage done (was 240%) in PvP combat.
      • Developers’ notes: We would like to see more aggressive playstyles from Mistweaver Monk to be possible in PvP, so we’re targeting Ancient Teaching of the Monastery to bolster the playstyle.

Rogue PvP Changes:

  • Echoing Reprimand damage is reduced by 30% in PvP combat.
    • Developers’ notes: We’ve seen that the ability could have extremely high burst, more than we’re comfortable with, so we are partially reverting the change made in last week’s hotfixes, where Echoing Reprimand’s damage was no longer reduced in PvP.

Shaman PvP Changes:

  • Enhancement
    • Improved Maelstrom Weapon increases the damage and healing of spells by 8%/15% per stack of Maelstrom Weapon in PvP Combat (was 10%/20%).
    • Raging Maelstrom increases the effectiveness of Maelstrom Weapon stacks by 3% in PvP Combat (was 5%).
    • Stormstrike and Windstrike damage increased by 30% in PvP combat.
      • Developers’ notes: Damage and healing from fully stacked Maelstrom Weapon are higher than intended in PvP, so we’re reducing the value of the associated talents. Separately, we’d like for Enhancement’s sustained damage to be more well-rounded in PvP, so we’re increasing Stormstrike’s damage.
  • Elemental
    • Magma Chamber effectiveness reduced by 50% in PvP combat.
      • Developers’ notes: Earth Shock and Elemental Blast from Elemental Shamans deal more damage than intended with high stacks of Magma Chamber, so we are lowering its effect in PvP.

Warlock PvP Changes:

  • Curse of Tongues reduces cast time by 10% in PvP combat (was 15%).
  • Curse of Tongues applied through Amplify Curse reduces cast time by 20% in PvP Combat (was 35%).
    • Developers’ notes: We’re reducing the overall power of Curse of Tongues in PvP. We’d like for the spell to be valuable to cast, but not cause casters to have a frustrating time trying to cast spells.

Warrior PvP Changes:

  • Arms
    • Mortal Strike’s damage is no longer reduced by 30% in PvP combat.
    • Sharpened Blades now increases critical strike damage by 5% (was 10%) in PvP combat.
    • Martial Prowess now increases Mortal Strike’s damage by 15% per stack (was 30%) in PvP combat.
    • Execute damage increased by 20% in PvP combat (Arms only).
    • Rend damage reduced by 15% in PvP combat (Arms only).
    • Developers’ notes: We’re looking to increase Mortal Strike’s consistent damage while keeping its burst potential in line through targeted adjustments to its modifiers. We’re also reducing Rend’s damage in PvP as Skullsplitter has been a culprit for one-shots.

So there you have all the latest class balance changes in WoW Dragonflight

Check out our video below, where we dive deep into the lore of the Dragon Aspects in World of Warcraft, discussing all the leaders, their history, and some family drama!

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For more World of Warcraft news, remember to take a look at our devoted part or a few of our WoW Guides & Tutorials beneath:

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Featured picture courtesy of Blizzard Leisure.

Written by Wessel Minnie

Because the Appearing Senior Editor at GINX, Wessel scouts out the most recent content material for our readers. When not working, he watches esports tournaments, dies repeatedly in Soulsborne titles, and contemplates spending one other 100 hours in Stardew Valley.

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