To avoid damaging your plants, watering them should not be done in the morning.

During the warmer months, plants become more dependent on water, so it's important to get your watering habits right.

The best time to water your plants to avoid damaging them (Image: Getty)

During the warmer months, your garden plants depend heavily on water, which is why it's important to water them correctly. Watering may seem like the easiest task in the world, but it does require some expertise to do it effectively and efficiently.

Gardening experts at Phostrogen point out that a common mistake gardeners make is watering too often or not watering at the right time. It's common to water garden plants once a day during the summer, but this can vary depending on the weather and soil type.

In summer, plants generally don't like being watered at midday because, according to the Express, this is because temperatures soar during the day, accelerating evaporation.

Water evaporates quickly, the soil dries out and plants are deprived of oxygen. The gardening experts at Suttons agree that it's best not to water your garden plants during this time, as it's the “hottest time of the day”. Water evaporates quickly and plants receive less water, which can “kill” them.

Instead, experts at Phostrogen say: “In spring and fall, water early in the morning, but in summer it's best to wait until evening, as watering in direct sunlight can burn your plants.”

The experts at Garden4Less also recommend watering in the evening. They say: “Watering in the evening will benefit your plants and save you money on your water bill. Watering in the evening is also the best time as your plants can absorb more water and reduce evaporation.”

Watering in the evening has a positive effect on plants (Image: Getty)

However, gardeners should be aware that if the weather is humid, slugs may be attracted to moist soil, so make sure the water hits the soil directly.

If your plants need a lot of watering or if it's especially hot, try to water them early in the morning as well. When watering your plants, try to water as deep as possible, close to the roots.

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