“It will take about three years.”

One user took to Reddit asking how they could save some trees they'd planted the previous year, seeking help with their gardening woes.

The post garnered a lot of attention from gardening enthusiasts, who were eager to share their thoughts on what the original poster should do to encourage the tree's growth.

Photo credit: Reddit

“I made a rookie mistake when I planted these trees a year ago. Save or sacrifice?” the OP wrote above a photo of five very small trees on the edge of what appears to be a grassy plot. The user went on to point out that the trees weren't growing very well in their current positions.

“It's really important to create a barrier between grass and trees, otherwise they will compete for water and nutrients,” one commenter advised.

While this is sound advice, and posters seem to agree that the trees could be saved, a better option might be to remove the trees and grass entirely, opting instead for native landscaping with an emphasis on plants that won't compete with other plants for water and nutrients.

Native plants are adapted to the local environment, so you don't have to spend money on expensive fertilizers and pest control, which is cost-effective and helps protect the earth, as many synthetic fertilizers contain harmful chemicals.

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Xeriscaping (designing a garden to reduce or eliminate the need for watering) also allows you to conserve water usage by using native plants, which not only helps reduce your bills but also helps conserve this important natural resource.

If you still want to keep the ground green, you can replace the traditional grass with clover or buffalo grass.

All of these options not only save you time and money on lawn maintenance, but also provide a more suitable habitat for pollinating insects that are essential to protecting food production.

You don't have to overhaul your entire yard; even replacing parts of your lawn can provide the benefits of native plants.

A garden of native plants would also help avoid the issues the OP experienced with the tree, and several commenters agreed that trees need more space.

“If you don't have enough space to keep a pet, why not ask your neighbours if they would like to adopt one?” suggested one user.

“It will take about three years before we start seeing good growth,” another person said.

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