Jamestown Garden Tour is July 17th – The Jamestown Sun

John Zwilovski, Garden Editor, Jamestown Sun

John M. Steiner / Jamestown Sun

It feels like mid-summer already, yet it often feels like the season is only just beginning. I wonder where the time has gone, or if I've just wasted it weeding, watering, and picking dead flowers. The best weather always seems to fly through the season so I try to find the time to sit back and enjoy every moment before it's all gone. It's been cool at the start of the year and things seem to be going pretty well, but I need the heat of summer to get my garden going.

July is a fun month as the gardens constantly begin to fill with color as the annuals begin to bloom one after the other until the fall frosts. We have a lot of hot weather, but I'm a fan of that kind of weather, so I soak up as much as I can, knowing it won't last long. July is also the month for local and regional garden tours, a chance for everyone to take a peek into backyards and see some very creative design work.

I personally love going on garden tours as they are a great resource for new ideas and a chance to see new and different design elements and talk to other gardeners along the way. Being in your own garden every day can make your perspective on things a bit narrow; getting out and seeing what other people are doing reopens the doors of creativity and allows you to explore something new and unique.

On these tours there is always something to see, you can bring friends along and enjoy some nice visits along the way as well as throwing up different thoughts.

The first thing that stands out is the abundance of plants. It's always exciting because you often find exotic and interesting plants that not many people have seen before. There are hardy tropical plants, as well as new hardy perennials that are not yet common in this area. The annuals are always exciting because they produce vibrant and rich colors for the rest of the season. There are also some very unique specimens in this genre. On one of these garden tours, I discovered an annual penstemon called Red Phoenix, and I have planted it in my garden every year since then.

On the tours we see lots of wonderful perennials and annuals as well as lots of interesting trees and shrubs, some of which are common, but often some stand out amongst them – which is why I enjoy the tours so much.

Many gardens feature unique statues and garden art – some whimsical, some quaint, some interesting, some attention-grabbing. Some gardens have bird-watching elements, like water baths, bird feeders, and different kinds of houses, while others have different kinds of water features. All of these accent pieces add a sense of calm to a garden space, making them perfect for a little relaxation in the evening.

Patios or decks often accompany these gardens as well. Some are simple, others quite elaborate, and some even feature fantastic outdoor kitchen spaces. Some have pergolas, others have tables and large umbrellas, and some have comfortable seating areas. Many of these might give you some great ideas for your own space when your next project calls for a little creativity.

This year, AAUW's Jamestown Garden Tour features four gardens. Each of the four gardens is completely different, giving you plenty to think about. Tickets are $10 in advance or $12 the day of the tour and can be purchased at whichever home you first visit. Advance tickets are available at the AAUW Used Bookstore, the Art Center, Country Garden Floral, Roy's Motors or from AAUW members. Proceeds from the tour benefit the AAUW Education Foundation and the University of Jamestown Endowment. The Foundation provides grants and funding for projects that advance equality for girls and women.

This year's tour locations are Dave and Wanda Bohl at 1310 41st St. NW, Arlie and Lynette Lind at 424 7th St. SW, Jack and Yvonne McGregor at 8055 36th St. SE (north of the interstate), and Roger and Margaret “Peggy” Koenig at 317 17th Ave. NE. The tour will be on Wednesday, July 17th from 4-8pm. It's a great day for the tour, so we hope you'll join us and support this great cause while having a fun evening touring the beautiful gardens. Don't forget to take lots of photos and bring a notebook to jot down the ideas you find most interesting.

We will also be hosting our annual “An Evening in the Garden” garden tour. Anyone is welcome to attend on Monday, July 22nd from 4-8pm at 1601 7th Ave. SE. This is a free event with beverages and the option for a voluntary donation, and the opportunity to network with other gardening enthusiasts who share the same hobby. As we always say, bring your friends – the more the merrier! Funds raised from this event will be donated to Northern Plains Botanic Gardens in Fargo to help with their ongoing expansion.

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