The summer solstice is approaching…

As summer draws closer, our garden is bursting with color. This photo shows one of the flower beds adjacent to the driveway. In the distance, top left, Mill Creek is still flowing abundantly, much to the delight of kayakers.

Three smoke trees grow in clusters and sparkle in the sunlight. They are the precursors to the rose beds, with yellow Bidens planted among the roses blending together to give a sense of unity to the colorful roses.

The lawn is dotted with mature trees – soothing greens that offer a rest for the eyes, peace in the landscape and a shady place to relax after a warm day.

But my garden is not all good. Recently, I lost one of my favorite perennials, a beautiful Daphne, that I've had for 20 years. It flowered from late December until April, then died shortly after. All gardeners lose some of their plants for various reasons, but they keep going. Right now, I have an 8×8 square foot space with a lot of possibilities.

After removing the Daphne, I was pleasantly surprised at how much more space there was and that I actually had a lot of much needed room in my entryway. I love it! With this in mind, I decided to use the “no till” method next. I got a free cardboard box from my local grocery store and laid it down. I laid down 3-4 inches of mulch, then 3-4 inches of the soil conditioner recommended by Proberta Rock Garden Nursery. This method is great for two reasons: first, it blocks the sun, suppressing any weeds that might grow underneath, and second, it enriches the soil. This new soil is rich, dark, and looks well-kept. I love it!

Losing plants is devastating, but that's gardening. Maybe, like me, you'll be pleasantly surprised and actually come to like the new changes.

Enjoy your gardens, gardens are part of the fun of summer and we welcome you to Summer Sostis.

Red Bluff Garden Club is a member of the Cascade District Garden Club, the California Garden Club, the Pacific Regional Garden Club and the National Garden Club.

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