“That soil looks like it's never been wet.”

A Reddit user's struggle to keep marigolds growing has struck a chord with gardening enthusiasts in the r/gardening community.

The original poster shared a photo of potted marigolds in vibrant bloom, along with another of withered, lifeless plants.

“I can't get my marigolds to die,” posted a user, wondering: “Am I doing something wrong?”

Photo credit: Reddit

Many home gardeners can attest to the difficulty of keeping plants healthy.Photo credit: Reddit

The couple explained that they had tried three times to grow marigolds in pots, but each time the flowers died within a month or two. The marigolds appear to be French marigolds, which are native to Mexico and Guatemala.

The poster said he lives in Sonoma County, California, further north than the plant's native range, but the temperatures are about the same, usually in the 75 to 80 degree Fahrenheit range.

They detailed how they care for the plant: “I planted it in standard flower potting soil, used a pinch of 16-16-16 fertilizer (labeled 'for flowering plants'), and watered it lightly daily. It gets about eight hours of sun per day.”

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“That dirt looks like it's never been wet,” one Reddit user wrote.

Another said: “Do you know you have to water it until water comes out the bottom right? Then do it again in a few minutes to make sure the dry areas are wet.”

Many home gardeners know firsthand how difficult it can be to keep plants healthy, but there are some simple adjustments that can make a big difference for both your plants and the planet.

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While it's understandable that people want to grow marigolds in their pots and flower beds, in drought-prone areas like Sonoma County, choosing water-conserving native plants over invasive species like marigolds is a better choice overall. If enough residents in a community buy in and work together to conserve water, it's a small change that can have a big impact.

Native plants have adapted to the local climate and support local pollinators, and in this part of California they are more likely to survive dry conditions with minimal watering.

Incorporating these hardy flowers and foliage not only creates a vibrant outdoor space, but also conserves water – an easy way to save money on your water bill while helping the environment.

Plus, a drought-tolerant garden requires less maintenance, leaving you with more time to enjoy the beauty of your flowers or pursue other hobbies. With global warming affecting weather patterns, switching to drought-tolerant landscaping is a smart choice for both your wallet and the planet.

Commenters offered advice, emphasizing the importance of thoroughly watering potted plants.

“This is deep frying. A combination of clay pots, hot weather and lack of water,” lamented one commenter.

Another person noticed signs of spider mites: “Zoom in on dead leaves and you can see spider webs,” wrote another. “I looked into this as I can't grow marigolds either. The rest of my garden will thrive but the spider mites just eat the marigolds. I've given up. What a shame, I love marigolds.”

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